What's your race or ethnic origin...

What's your race or ethnic origin... - Just curious not alot of photo's floatin

  • Caucasian

    Votes: 30 100.0%
  • Black/Afro American

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hispanic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Asian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Excuse me for rambling, it is something I do when I am with friends and family.

Don't mention anything about rambling, and you are with friends and family...
If I didn't tell ya could you guess. Look Puerto Rican in the summer time...some even say light skinned...don't know where the hell they get that.

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Stunnah...look at the date you gave for that definition, it is around the early 30's...maybe even earlier....Webster's is notorious for not updating definitions of words that the research and the growth of humanity as a whole have proven to be insufficient or completely WRONG.  

When I speak of race, I mean put that pretty (slow) Gray/Silver(my favorite color by the way) Busa on the line....wait for the green light....hammer it...feather the clutch and see who finishes under 10....

We are all the same species....we have all come from the same place...woman....every person on the face of the earth has the same mark....a belly button...meaning of course you came from a woman's womb....connected by an umbilical cord.  I say again no such thing as race...........only at the track.....or if you're a track star.

As far as the thread....I see nothing wrong with your legitimate curiousity.  Human nature leads us to ask such questions....if nothing else to answer said question "just for general purpose".  If anyone is offended by this thread....they are probably bigots.  Yeah I said it...normally the only people that get upset about things like this, get upset because they feel intimidated, have something they think they should hide or WHATEVER.  

I myself was curious of the ethnicity of a few of the members here on this site....some it is obvious...just through mannerism and certain slang....thinker for example....stereotyping him by his speech and eloquence...I would've never guessed he was a black man, not that blacks aren't smart...but my boys just don't talk like that...take it for what it's worth....don't read into that...Stunnah....knew he was black, just by some of the things he has said....only slang and sayings. Some stuff that he's heard on BET....I know cause I watch it too....

Cache...thought he might have been black....wasn't sure
Brian...Q-Dog....enough said...Unless times have changed since I was in school...couldn't be a Q unless you were black...even if you can step....and I could.

Again...it doesn't really matter becasue I'm sure only a small percentage of us care about color....I for one don't and am sure Stunnah doesn't either...good thread for random thoughts.  Don't apologize for it.

In the immortal words of Don Cornelius..."Love, Peace, and Soul".
By the way...if you think I might be a little "biased" check out my avatar....do a little research and then look up Prince Hall Freemasonry....not really for whites, but they let me in....and I love my brothers....even the ones that dont accept me because I'm "Prince Hall"....they know who they are.....
i find this poll interesting. I do agree Kent, it is meaningless, but it is interesting. After several around the world stints, i find that all people are the same in many ways, but different in many ways. Having a variety keeps fresh perspectives and help us all grow. Soooo, I am just curious about how diverse the group is.

By the way.....what is an "Other"? Or was someone being funny again?

I am an American, was born here, but probably won't die here..

I am looking at maybe Greece, or Austalia, for retirement.

Other: Any Race or Ethnic Group not indicated and can be explained or not in post...


I'm from TN and the term Race is still used here, although it may not total correct it does still exist in some regions...

Now "RACE" on the other hand is as well understood, just knod your head and it's on...
Where you at in Tn? I lived there for 6 years - 3 in NashVegas, 3 in Memphis. I go through the eastern end regularly now too.

Yeah they still call it race in Tn, and I've never been in a town so racially divided as Memphis. Just because I'm white, I'm supposed to be some black/African American hating, ultra conservative, Repiblican, with 14 NRA stickers on my 4x4 truck, along with about 60 stickers on the Civil War - made me sick. I've lived south of the Mason-Dixon line all my life, traveled through every state in the South East and Never have I been in a more racially hostile place.

Sorry for the rant, but this is a race thread. Besides, "race" must be correct, otherwise a racial slur is nothing but someone who doesn't ride a Busa!!!!

i think the human race was left off the poll........

as far as nationality. I'm an American born and raised.

The "STUNNAH" resides in Jackson that's on I-40 between Memphis and Nashville...The center of the Bible Belt, Good Ole Boy territory...Most of the people here in Jackson are cool, but we have some that are full of crap...
hey stun, think how I felt when I grew up in Chicago, then moved to the heart of the Ozarks!!!(1984) nothing but damn hillbillies for 100 miles. the only time you see other normal people is drivin a truck through town on the highway.

Very scary at times.

The "STUNNAH" resides in Jackson that's on I-40 between Memphis and Nashville...The center of the Bible Belt, Good Ole Boy territory...Most of the people here in Jackson are cool, but we have some that are full of crap...
I know right where Jackson is. I got my first ever speeding ticket there(74 in a 45 construction zone on I-40). Not too bad of a place there in Jackson, nice size, but not too big. Minor league baseball if I'm correct. Yep, not a bad town to be livin' in.

The "STUNNAH" didn't say "crap" but I'm glad someone caught it...

Yeah a little go for nothing baseball team, they should have invest in after school and summer activities for these bad kids...

I'm originally from McNairy Cnty "Buford Pusser" country...Walking Tall...
thinker for example....stereotyping him by his speech and eloquence...I would've never guessed he was a black man,[/QUOTE]It is a mask!
Things aren't always the way they seem. What the hell does that mean? I don't know, it just sounded good at the time.

By the way, who cares if we use the word race, ethnicity, heritage, cultural background etc... The English language keeps evolving. We will go crazy if we always debate what the right term is for a concept that we all clearly understand. I don't see any offense either way.

I like this type of thread because I really do learn more about people...Now I need to go see where busahigg is from. (I like the way you think.)


TEXAS I sure hope that I get to meet many of you guys at Leguna Seca.
I do agree Kent, it is meaningless, but it is interesting. [/QUOTE]

Yeah it is meanginless, meaning it doesn't matter what Race or Ethnic Origin that any member is from but it's kind of like the post that was lost that ask what do you think other members look like...

And "STUNNAH" is cool with that...
STUNNAH, where is a picture of you and your bike? Actually, I think I have seen your bike...the slow color, right?

Anyway, several of us have posted multiple time times on this thread, but less than 20 votes...What's up with that?

Actually, out of all the bikes on the site(even mine) Stunnah's is my favorite...thats why when I reply to something he has said I always finish it with
.....nice bike though.