I feel for you man, I did have joint custodey with my daughters mother. I would have her a week and she would have her a week. Her and her BF would fight all the time and my daughter would have to deal with it. I always wanted full custody but I was afraid if I went to court they would take my joint custody away. She stayed at my house and I would drive in before work and drop her at her mothers house then drive out after work and pick her up. Now that I used patience and waited for her to get old enough to see what her mother is really like. Just about a month ago she came to me and wanted to live with me. I talked to her about it etc and told her there would be no flip flopping from house to house and where she was going to school. She was sure she wanted to do it and her mother didnt fight it. Now she lives with me and her mother (even though she doesnt really work full time) will not bring her back and forth. She pretty much lives with me all the time. I love it and I love spending every night with her. Like you I feel bad sometimes about being a hard ass about certain things but in the long run hopefully they will turn out to be well adjusted normal young adults.