My time in Thailand has come to an end....some PICS for you

Great pics, I'd like to see it in person someday, too.
The architecture is much detail on everything.

(looks like upside down fangs everywhere)

The attention to detail is what blew me away! Here are two more examples....


They go out of their way to even make the ceilings look beautiful! :bowdown:
Great pics Brian! Thanks for sharing! :beerchug: It does make you wonder how long it took to build just one of those temples with that much detail. My wife and I must definitely visit there someday.

Hope you have a safe trip back to NC.
it is cool to see how other people live
i have been out of the states a couple times
makes you love the US thats for sure
nice picts :thumbsup:
Thanks for sharing some of your experiences and adding awesome visuals as well! :thumbsup:
nice pics, i have been there several times and each time it was an amazing adventure. pics bring back memories!

Haha...great question! I must def looking forward to one of my Dads nice big BBQ Cheesburgers! :thumbsup: Wouldn't mind some good Italian pasta as well.

When you get here, I'll take you to the best Thai restaurant in town.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

See you soon, bro.