My uncles bike crash story

Sorry to hear what happened. My prayers are with you and your Family.

Thank you for posting this, it helps us all remember how fragile we are and that there are people that care about us even if we don't see them.

Please wear your helmets
We're pulling for you Justin! Nothing but the best of thoughts your way...prayers for you and your family...

Keep us posted...
I will be praying for your family and Justin. Just remember God does not give us anything we can not handle, even though sometimes it seems like we can't. He is always there.
thank you all very much here is the new news he is still not woke up but when we talk to him his eyes blink and it looks like hes trying to open his eyes please keep your prayers also hes getting an mri soon so things are starting to look a little brighter and thenk you all for ur courage and support god bless all i will keep you all updated
thank you very much i am feeling so down right now i have this pain that eats me up i9nside please keep praying thank you all very myuch