My uncles bike crash story

Sounds like progress anyway!!! That is good!!! I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Keep us posted!!!
Hey guys.. well lets see the new news is that he is starting to become more aware of things sucha s his missing arm etc. which is putting him into like these rages where if he gets any stimuli he starts to freak out and go nuts so... we are hoping and waiting for things to get better thats all that new so... please keep praying adn thank u all so much for ur help and support!
another thing i forgot to mention is that he has severe brain damge due to hypocia thats what they ruled out and since he doesnt have his arm he aint gonna be able to ride anymore.... but we are going to to go ahead and mod whts left of the bike into an indie cycle (the bike is pretty messed up) i know this seems far fetched but were gonan do it any good ideas would be apreciated and another thing do u think it would be possible at all to ride with one arm or has anyone done it before??? thnx guys
I think one arm would be next to impossible even with special mods and too dangerous. Look into the T-Rex. It looks like a pretty cool vehicle with a motorcycle rear end.
Still in our thoughts and prayers.
Missing arm?..... Aw-man, I'm so sorry. Best wishes thru the Holidays. Still thinkin' of your uncle.
thnx guys and yeah he dony have his arm anymore i was to see him today and he has benn moving alot and alot of volentary movements so thats good hes wuite the fiesty one lol well ill keep ya posted later guys
hey guys well lets see no new news i guess they hjave got him sadated again because he is thrashing around alot and just gonna end up hurting himself so... thats pretty much all the new news ill tlak to u guys later
Still in our thoughts...
crashing sucks.
He didn't see the SUV,the stop sign,the rail crossing signage,the flashing lights,or hear the signals, or see the TRAIN? that sucks.
Was he a new rider?

talk him outa ever riding again....

Prayers sent....althou...they're Catholic.

hey guys weyes he was sort of a new rider and no he didnt see the train or anything becaause once u crest the hill (which is steep it is crazy drop and u just notice whats at the bottom and if ur going at a reasonable spped weell even then ur screwed but no new news so far later guys
hey guys everything is still the same... im starting to lose anything i havei mean hope whys idk what to do i mean hes lying in that bed helpless and all i can do is watch him thrash around and.... it hurts i know this is sorta dumb but i need to get out how i feel i just need support and ur about the only people who are giving me this only bcaus the rest of the family is taking this hard to i dont wanna be a nuiscence and sorry if i am i just need suppport because im so scared and tired and everything so thanks for all the support already guys ur the best