Hey Thrash, just downloaded the video.......12 minutes using roadrunner. Anyways cool vid, just wish we could see the speedo to see what LEGAL speeds your cruising.
mzrsq -
Legal speeds?
you know, as I was contemplating where and how to mount my camera I was thinking "yeah yeah yeah, have it so you can see the speed!!!"
And I know you were playing when you made the comment, But I actually did take that into consideration when I was building my camera mount however after thinking about it I decided against it, for numerous reasons.
1) Just my opinion, why would I want a video tape of me on a public highway speeding, showing the speed and then releasing it for public viewing. I mean the chances are nothing would ever happen, but the bottom line is breaking the law is breaking the law, why would I want to provide hard core evidence that would incriminate myself.
And I always try to keep in mind, what ever I put on the net, will probably be there for ever, someone somewhere will have it as an archive, it is doubtful whatever you put on the net will ever completely vanish from this planet
2) The only way to get the speed in the video is to have the camera mounted somewhere I don’t want it. where it is mounted now, it is pretty much out of site out of mind. That way when I am riding I can focus on my riding, of the camera is there in front of me, taunting me, luring me to push myself more just for the audience, I might fugg up. And I don’t want the camera in the way of my body..
So while yeah, the ego would to have on video in the upper right a sign that reads 25mph turn, and seeing the speedo exceeding 60, in the end it doesn’t matter, anyone that rides motorcycles can tell from the lean angle about how fast someone is going.. except for the straights I guess.
I did have a few long runs that I edited out where I hit 150 plus, so that would have been cool, but not that impressive, almost everyone on this board I think has gone faster than I have. I could hit 170 and if it was on the speedo most people on this board would look and think "oh, uh well thats nice.." lol
I cant wait until Laguna to video tape that..
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