N. Korea threatens US; world anticipates missile

That's the thing...not that they are all empty threats, but they are obviously also a lot of talk. Right now they seem to be aggressively letting everyone know that they are breaking out of the treaties and sanctions. Why? That's a good question.

Why didn't they just act on it instead of letting everyone know that they are planning on being a bad boy?

Maybe we discovered a little too much a little too fast for their liking...
Outlawbusa, It just really sucks,that no matter what happens,it wont be good.. :(
There are three nations in the world defy American hegimony. Iran, Cuba, and North Korea. Sadam Hussein was the fourth and America wiped out three generation of Hussein's family. Gradfather, father, grandsons.

There are five permanant members of UN Security Council; USA, USSR, China, France, and England. The pre-requisit for the membership requires; possesion of nuclear weapon and ICBM. If N. Korea sucessfully establish such tasks, they will be the 6th in the world with such ability.

There is only one nation in the history that used nuclear weapon on humans.
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I say we let them shoot at us...and let out missle defense take care of them in mid-air...or they wouldn't even make it to our land...then be like "well you had your shot...and ....here comes ours" and we bomb the ever loving hell out of them. We shouldn't just sit back and let them threaten our way of life and not atleast make a stand and say "if you're feeling froggy...Jump"
Not to worry, if they do shoot something toward the US it will only hit somewhere in the Ocean and then we'll only condemn it at the UN. And we all know what that's worth :laugh:

Let's see, Pango Pango or whatever, got $200,000,000 for 20 Getmo Humanitarian Guest, so North Korea should figure at least a BILLION to not shoot any more lawn darts our way :laugh:

They'll have to really hit something for us to do anything anyway, Guam maybe :whistle:
What if that really reaches our soil here??and not the ocean?? We have to sit and wait for the first slap in the face ?? Just not good.. Talks are not helping.. In one ear,out the other.. I just dont ever want to see that day,ever.. I hope things get better in time,but who knows.
why do all the nut jobs over there rule the land. your Canadian brothers stand with you. lets hope we all have a peacefull place to live now and for our childrens children.
along with this threat it is said to be believed that Iran, Russia , and North Korea are training together, for whatever thats worth...
:whistle:Deja Vou of the cold war days. Instead of a few having many, now many have a few(nukes):whistle:

I'm old enough to remember the tail end of the original atomic threat, remember duck and cover?

Something old is new again
I would be willing to bet they have set a perimeter around Hawaii. If anything gets too close they will take defensive action. The only reason NK is making these threats now is because they dont have everything organized yet. Its typical human behavior. When someone wants to fight they dont walk up and say " I'm gonna hit you in the face" it just happens. Just like Japan did in Pearl Harbor and like Germany did to Austria and Poland to begin WWII.
We have been spoon feeding that crazy SOB in NK for too long. Our tax dollars finance his wardrobe, meals and wheels. We pay for huge shipments of heating oil as well as other covert hush money so that things don't escalate. I say enough's enough and lets call their bluff. Fugg diplomacy, there has been too much and too much of our tax dollars have ended up propping up that piece of sh!t regime far too long. If he's got something up his sleeve let the world see it just before we go in to retaliate. This nonsense will be going on for many more years until they are successful at building a real threat.
along with this threat it is said to be believed that Iran, Russia , and North Korea are training together, for whatever thats worth...

Russia's involved??? I hadn't heard that.

Maybe that's why NK feels the need to jaw jabber so much.

I know we were waiting to see how China reacted to the search and seize santion against NK ...
We have been spoon feeding that crazy SOB in NK for too long. Our tax dollars finance his wardrobe, meals and wheels. We pay for huge shipments of heating oil as well as other covert hush money so that things don't escalate. I say enough's enough and lets call their bluff. Fugg diplomacy, there has been too much and too much of our tax dollars have ended up propping up that piece of sh!t regime far too long. If he's got something up his sleeve let the world see it just before we go in to retaliate. This nonsense will be going on for many more years until they are successful at building a real threat.
Then we need to nip it in the bud now,do what we have to do, and freak-in have some peace in this world,and just let this be over with..
They would feel very strong about it and the exact same way I do as well. The Indians were pooped on and our government could not have accomplished it in a worse way. I do not agree with it and support our Native Indian's whom are the original's in this country. My wife is part Cherokee and we are proud of it. Looking back at how the Indians were so proud of the land and compare that to the new Clint Eastwood "Gran Torino" movie puts into perspective on many but not all walking our streets today is a big difference in the quality of humans that we breed today. If this sounds like I'm harsh towards you or anyone particular, I'm harsh at the existing major problems that our Government has allowed to happen in the 1st place. My friends that are worth being in my heat are black/white/yellow/red and ride Busa's! LOL I don't care about their color but do care about the color of old glory, my father and four uncles fought in the Battle of the Buldge and my brother in Veitnam and I just pulled 21 years and fly my flag every day and at times think about turning it upside down, but I think we already know we are in distress.

I wonder how a Native American who's ancesters were run off the land they lived on and killed might feel about your statement?
Then we need to nip it in the bud now,do what we have to do, and freak-in have some peace in this world,and just let this be over with..

There will never be peace. Never....

It is something that humanity hasn't learned to manage. Might as well get comfortable with the fact that there will always be war somewhere on this earth.
"If the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea will ... wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all,"

that was reported today... I find it funny they keep saying we are looking for a war yet they are the ones doing everything against the UN they can...
Remember what happened to the last country that bombed Hawaii.......... will history repeat itself.. Hope not for NK sake. They shouldn't stir us up.
Then send our special ops, and pick em off. Do what we need to do to end this.. We just need Peace.. Why are we always the bad guys?? We just want Peace.. This is just really bad,no matter how we look at it.. WTF .. If we need to end it,to freakin have some Peace in this world , then push the :easy::easy: Button.. Lets just be done with this crap..:usa::usa:

This is the best way to handle it. None of us want the after affects of nukes in our atmosphere. Lets GO Phoenix Team.:firing: