naked busa???


as most of you know i dumped my busa last Wednesday, well ive spent some time staring at it this week, and im kind a liking the naked look,
my questions are is simple to make it a naked bike by that i mean the wiring and connectors , headlights turn signals?

and does anyone have any pics of naked busa's
Here are some but I don't think he rides it in the rain:whistle:

there is always the BK:laugh:

here is a link I googled naked busa images good luck

. street fighter&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi



Turn signals and tail light probably wouldn't be that bit of a deal. The hardest part I would think would be the headlight, but you still have the studs on the housing to make sure it's level. You'd just have to figure out how to keep it in place. I'm sure you could fab up some kind of bracket or brace, either out of metal or fiberglass. As for the wiring. . . If you're worried about water I don't think that's an issue (flashback to how aquaman recently aquired that new name).
Oh, and another idea for the headlight: you could always just chop up your factory fairing and use it, just cut it down to a shape that looks good without anything else on the bike, if that's possible. Never tried it, so I don't know.
If you go naked the biggest headache is going to be where/how to mount all the wiring and the fuse panel that's normaly attached to the left side ram air tube.
If you go naked the biggest headache is going to be where/how to mount all the wiring and the fuse panel that's normaly attached to the left side ram air tube.

You extend the loom and re-route it.
Plenty of room under the tank or seat panels.
Fuses go under the pillion seat where they are even easier to get to.

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