Thanks all, nice meeting you and that ride was so much fun, I enjoyed every minute from Raleigh onwards.
Quick ride report:
David (Dallaster) and I left 7:30 AM from Pinehurst, they said 42F but it was 27F. If someone would have tazered my a$$ I think it would have been less painful. Don't know NC, so riding with a GPS, means I need glasses to read it, means open visor otherwise fog. Nuff said. We picked up Rock and his party two exits too late, (brain freeze) but it all worked out in the end.
Arrive in Raleigh, Rock saying a quick prayer in the backround.
12 riders arrived, and it warmed up for a nice day. 10 Busas, a 750 Kawasaki and a Beemer 1200 RT.
Beemer Tim and Loomis saying. "Ya think this dude from Arkansas knows where he's going?"
He's saying, "Maaannn it's cold!!!"
Jellyrug trying to mount his bike from the wrong side???
Gas stop, these guys in NC can ride, this Kawi stayed with the big brothers, through the twisties, beside a bit of white magic smoke, no problem.
Rock, blue bike blue gas and a bit of diesel, watch this thing fly after this!
Loomis is singing us a little song, before we re-mount.
WhiteLe and I found a plan to make this Beemer a bit lighter and faster.
Is that another prayer going down, right in the back?
Some notes, no more pictures. After the last stop, Eddie had money flying out of his pockets all over the road. Rock and I stopped, while Rock patiently walked the pavement, picking up receipts and bank notes.
Eddie, are you broke, brother? Anyways, after that Rock opened up to catch the group with me behind, no way I could stay with you Bro, good riding.
David and I did roll ons on highway 1, just want to let you know young man, I was in 4th, while you were in 6th, that's why.
Out of town for two weeks, see you guys later in March. Guess I'm gonna have to give up my SUZUKI Arkansas plate and trade it for something in NC.