My 'Busa is an '05 model, and I need to identify a coil wire OR an engine rpm (tach) feed that I can tap into. Can any of my 'busa brothers help me out ? Thank's in advance....
Yes. And you can connect it at the CPU side if the wire with is much easier to access than the coil side.(WildMonkey @ Sep. 13 2007,14:59) Thank's professor ! BTW... Nice pic in your avatar !
I assume that a coil feed wire would be the same as the tach feed wire, for the purpose of wiring this cruise control ? Also, could you tell me a good 12v switched wire to pull some juice from as well ?
Keep us updated.(WildMonkey @ Sep. 26 2007,17:42) Just In Case anybody is following this thread, here is an update ! After taking the weekend off, and working on the bike the last 2 nights after my day gig, I have had to order a complete new AudioVox C/C assembly. I can't say if it was bad when I bought it or not, but as it stands right now, the vacum/servo unit is bad. I have ran through the wiring on this install about 50 times, and everything checks out right up to where the wiring plugs into the servo, where it appears the proper circuits are not being energized to open all 3 of the plungers which would allow full vacum to be applied to the cable which holds the throttle position at the set speed. I paid 40 bucks extra for 2nd day delivery, so maybe I will be able to get this project finished over the weekend...