I have sent parts out to members for the pay it forward thing we have going on, Now I have a favor,I was wonder if anyone would by chance have a tiger racing under the hump Nitrous bottle holder for a 99-07 busalease:lease: I will pay shipping or half of what u might sell it for, bills got really tight for me a while back and I sold my bottle and my under the hump holder, if anyone would like to help me out I will be in you debt forever, please let me Know ASAP, I will pay shipping ect.. pm me or call
Ryan 313-350-0276lease:lease:lease: I have a race coming up and these boys love to cheat, and love to spray so I want to spray back,and I do not have a longer arm to put a bottle holder on it, just let me know what you have thanks again.
Ryan 313-350-0276lease:lease:lease: I have a race coming up and these boys love to cheat, and love to spray so I want to spray back,and I do not have a longer arm to put a bottle holder on it, just let me know what you have thanks again.