Need help chosing an aftermarket brake lever

Good luck with Ebay coming from overseas.LOL.I order PIAA 9005 Led blue highbeams and a month and still nothing.But im running stock levers and have the brocks adjustment cam on the clutch side.Its nice but the break side doesnt seem like it can come apart in 1 piece..LOL

This is interesting. I was thinking that all I would really need is a different cam... I would suspect that EOM cam is identical for the clutch and the brake levers. Need to research more.
I used to have multiple cameras, screens, and DVRs mounted on the bike to make ride DVDs. The box also has the cruise control and light kill electronics in it. Since I'm using the GoPros now, I need remove some of that stuff when I get a chance.

Wow! Takes "wiring the bike" to the whole new level.

I've got a V-meter and a headlight switch on the left side - that's all.
Thanks for the link. They are too short for me. For $125 per lever, I think I should stick with the stock one.

Also comes in standard/factory length but you're right, not cheap (so glad these were on bike already when I bought it).
BTW, FP has "6 Positions of smooth adjustment with a precision sealed cartridge bearing movement"
Golden, the levers are a month old and I have ridden the bike one time for 10 miles since I put them on. The levers are blue with blue adjusters. The loss of leverage with the short clutch lever is a pain in stop and go traffic. The short brake lever is perfect. I think the perfect combination is the long clutch lever and the short brake lever. Pashnit also advertised a battery for the Busa as a replacement, I got screwed with that deal also. The battery he sold me required a change to both wires. Emails go unanswered, never again. I'll stick to reputable sponsors on this site.

Let me know color

Navy blue or blue lever
navy blue or blue adjuster

clutch side correct...

Lmk asap as I got a Pazzo order shipping tomorrow and will see if they have the setup you need in stock if so I will have them ship it to me and we can do a swap out for you..
The search didn't yield results. I would be OK with the stock lever, but I run out of adjustment. I want the lever to be pretty far from the handlebar. So I set the adjuster to 1, but it's still not to my liking.

Can someone recommend an aftermarket lever which has more adjustments. I might as well replace my broken (shorty) clutch lever if they are sold in pairs.

These have a nice curve to them and you'll get the extra distance.
Once again, thanks for the info everyone. But I just can't justify spending that much on a lever $100+, or $200+. It's a bit of inconveience, but not a critical issue. Maybe during winter I well snap a stock lever and assembly off ebay, and will try to come up with something. Need to save money for track days - that's $500 per track day, which does not include tires. ???