Need Help from all the good folk

Today I was told to get off my lazy unemployed azz and delete someones garbage. They dont know me,or why I'm here moderating,but to them it seemed like the right thing to say.(Their opinion).
tell ya what......if I EVER hear somone say something like that again....they will be on my personal sh!t list! Fuggin' idiots have no clue about someone's history.......that comment REALLY pisses me off! Why not PM me who said it?

Did the police take a report on kilrbusa or what ever his name is? I say zero tolerance for that kinda shid! Sooner or later.all their pc's,laptops, and neighborhood internet cafes IP's will be banned.:;):
Did the police take a report on kilrbusa or what ever his name is? I say zero tolerance for that kinda shid! Sooner or later.all their pc's,laptops, and neighborhood internet cafes IP's will be banned.:;):
I believe the org's involvement stopped as soon as Rub realized what was being sent around...we can only encourage the user that received that email to contact authorities themselves and I don't know if that member did so...

Some sick people in this world...
i know i am new here but i hit the site up every morning after work. I have had a great time here i dont have to worry bout idiots who think they know everything you guys are the people who make this site great hell i have even gave rsd a little poop. I think you guys should keep up the work. and let a brother now what he can do to help
I must be missing alot or something..  I can't tell one bit of difference in the site today...  and 6 months ago... other than all the mods seem to be freaking out.

and yes I know what your thinking rub.. but nope.. my biggest problem with that is your complete lack of tact, respect, or people skills... thats private stuff.. and I'm not bringing it out.. I just knew you would jump to conclussions and get yer panties in a wad if I didn't exclude it right off.

I'm talking about all this other stuff dire stuff that seems to be going on.

Either we've picked up some seriously bad people that I haven't noticed (kiddie porn would fall into that category of course) or we've picked up some people that can't find anything better to do that whine about every little thing that comes up on the boards.

I have no stats to back this up.. but it seems like we've had more topic deletions/post editing/mod intervention in the last 2 weeks than we've ever had in the history of this site.

2 months ago I couldn't even have told you who the mods were...   Now half the threads coming or going are talking about modding this and modding that..

.. and I still can't one bit of difference in the site.  We've had the occasionally half naked chic...  but thats a pretty common thing... other than that.. all I've seen are a bunch of locked topics that topics or posts that disappeared for no apparent reason.

We seemed to be pretty much self moderating 2 months ago...  whats changed?

I don't think I can ever remember the site being total self disciplined, and I have been here a long time. The site is like the tides each year. You have some out of controol and then back to more of a norm. We don't ask much to keep the site to what the majority wants. I can even remember saying I had enough last year (just had a bad day with lots of arguing on the forums). In most cases you are right members do a good job of moding themselves, unfortunately not all the time. All of you keep up the good work, and keep telling us of your needs and dislikes.


The people responsible for Kiddy porn should simply have there balls cut off and fed to them in a chili.

Ninja Eater
+1 on what NE said...I had no idea just how much goes on behind the scenes until I was doing it as well, the things you guys never see because we catch 'em and then of course, the messy stuff that gets reported by other members that we need to take a look at...remember, not all complaints are posted up in a forum for all to see.  Some opt to let the mods know via a PM "hey, might want to take a look at this".  We rely on that from you guys and gals because we can't catch it all...

I have to address ego's concerns over the # of posts deleted and/or modified recently.  The deletions are the mods just not having the time to pick through an entire topic and make it "nice"; it's usually threads that are going no where fast.  When topics like that get out of hand and it's just easier to hit delete, then we don't have to babysit it anymore...

The onslaught of modifications to threads is a plus for the board as a means we have more moderators on board to catch some of this stuff before it gets ugly and we're not irritated enough to just hit delete yet
Doing a great job....

Keep up the good work guys and gal..
This site is privately owned/operated, and yet all it costs most of the members is the price of their Internet connection to use (some of them not even that if they're surfing at work

It's a privilege to post here, not a right.

If you can't follow the (simple) rules, go somewhere else or set up your own board that's better suited to your personal tastes.
I'm like some others I miss all the bad stuff thats been deleted so I don't know what it was, so they must be doing a pretty good job if you set back and think about it

I can't believe someone would actually PM profanity out toward the moderators.

If you're p.o.'d at a moderator, take your marbles and go play in someone else's game. Nobody is making you stay here.

Jeez, looweeze. You're invited into someone's online home and you have to be an azzhole?

Lowlife scumbags.

RSD and all the other mods, you do a great thing here. Keep up the good work. Sometimes, I don't show my appreciation enough but be assured, you ARE appreciated, at least by me. And a couple of other people I know on this board!


This site is privately owned/operated, and yet all it costs most of the members is the price of their Internet connection to use (some of them not even that if they're surfing at work

It's a privilege to post here, not a right.

If you can't follow the (simple) rules, go somewhere else or set up your own board that's better suited to your personal tastes.
Very well put!
Odd I never knew Rubber Side Down was such a jerk, I always enjoyed his posts even before he was a mod. I remember asking once where he dissapeared to.

Kiddie porn?!? kill the decrepit, worthless, slimy , motherf, son of, pieceof..... in a slow pianful way (honey ants staked in the desert type manner) that sends that out.
I am learning .. I have posted a couple of things that where questionable . I wasnt sure either way I did not think they was that bad . Moderator removed them Life goes on with out moderators this sight would go to shxx so by all means keep moderating .. If i have a disagreement on something I am man enough to ask If im wrong i will be the first to admit it...Sure wont be the first time and probably not the last...Old saying goes send them to school give them books and they XXXXX xxx xxxxxxx (you know what i mean)
Okay.  Here's am easy way to think of the rules: (for me anyway)

When you join a webforum, and you agree to the rules, you are virtually entering someones home.  When you're in someone elses home, how do you act?  What kind of behaviour would you have?

Better yet, how about if you invited someone else into your house?  Would you want them to follow your rules?  Would you expect them to have behaviour that you feel is appropriate?  If they don't, would you ask them to straighten up?  Would you ask them to leave, or escort them to the door, if they didn't?  I know I would!

Maybe the welcome page should say something like this:

Welcome to!

You have arrived in my house, and are welcome to stay as long as you want.  Feel free to look around and chat, but please follow these simple rules.

Please respect the rights and opinions of other visitors, and they should respect yours, too.  The Moderators are here to keep the house tidy.  Please help them by not leaving your own garbage, as my house is quite large and they already have too have much to do!

If you don't follow my rules, the Moderators or myself may ask you to leave.

Thank you, and enjoy!


Here is what the registration says...

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this message board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email or via PM (Private Message) or notify a moderator. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this message board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this message board.

We do have sponsors on this site and we request that you use them to make purchases for equipment, without the assistance of the sponsors we would not be able to provide this board for Hayabusa members to use.

On this message board we use the common sense approach and hold the Golden Rule as valuable on this board as it was when we were children. We reserve the right to block any person for any reason and after asked to leave if a person continues to come to the site, re-register or attempt to get around any of the security features used to block a member we will contact the network admin from the IP address the member is using. An abuse ticket will be opened.

This message board is owned and operated by a single individual, this is not a government operation and while we attempt to be open to everyone you have no guaranteed rights or privaledges here. If you disagree with the opinions of the way the site is maintained feel free to leave and find another website to frequent.
Okay.  Here's am easy way to think of the rules: (for me anyway)

When you join a webforum, and you agree to the rules, you are virtually entering someones home.  When you're in someone elses home, how do you act?  What kind of behaviour would you have?

Better yet, how about if you invited someone else into your house?  Would you want them to follow your rules?  Would you expect them to have behaviour that you feel is appropriate?  If they don't, would you ask them to straighten up?  Would you ask them to leave, or escort them to the door, if they didn't?  I know I would!

Maybe the welcome page should say something like this:

Welcome to!

You have arrived in my house, and are welcome to stay as long as you want.  Feel free to look around and chat, but please follow these simple rules.

Please respect the rights and opinions of other visitors, and they should respect yours, too.  The Moderators are here to keep the house tidy.  Please help them by not leaving your own garbage, as my house is quite large and they already have too have much to do!

If you don't follow my rules, the Moderators or myself may ask you to leave.

Thank you, and enjoy!


that was beautiful Doug.

me, I'm a little short tempered...

So the rules would resemble this...

Be good or...
ya get the guns.

Thx everybody....7 positive PM's today.

5 were filled with praise
1 said "Keep up the good work"
and 1 was a mariage proposal.... I'm sorry sir, I can't marry you,my wife wouldn't like it.
