Need help from the Org...Dad advice

Hayabusa used as incentive to get all A's in school

  • Give it to him if he gets straight A's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pay him a surprise visit & have a man to fist to chest talk

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Put him in military school

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • put him in Job corps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let him learn how hard life is going to be with no diploma

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i dont have any teenage kids yet, but i am sure that anger and violence is not gonna solve anything. id pay him a visit and show him a great time. no pressure what so ever. make sure he knows your there for him and always will be. then tell him there will be alot more of these father/son outings if he improves his attitude and grades. he doesnt have to be a perfect A student, but needs to apply himself. its about the attitude. grades will come with a better attitude. find out what he likes to do and get him involved in it. i couldnt imagine being 1300 miles from my girls.

i wish the best of luck to you. i know you will have your hands full
No kids, 21, senior in college.

tell him if he gets straight A's your'll get him a motorcycle and alot of motorcycle safty courses. Then if he can keep up good work and no trouble your'll get him a busa so he can ride with you when he graduates.
RE, this sounds like a case of love needed. The son is acting out and looking for acceptence. Been there, done that.

Mom and dad split when I was 8. My grades fell to $#it and no one got on me to do anything about it. Dad would tell me you can get better grades. The crowd that I hungout with was into who was the tough guy, who could beat you up.

When I was 14-15, living with my mom and again running with the wrong crowd. These kids were into stealing. I did not steal anything, but I was there when it happened. I talkedto my mom and told her that I needed to go and live with dad. If I did not, I felt that I would either go to jail or wind up dead. I called my dad and drove the couple hours to get me.

I got my act together. Dated a girl in HS whose mother expected her to get good grades, go to school and college. I did both. We eventually went seperate ways.

I got my act together, a good job. Some years 6 figure income, and in debt up above my eyeballs.

If you can, take him in. Show your son the light, what is expected of him. Be that male figure that he may be reaching out to. Be dad. show him what as man has to do to make it.
At this late in the game violence wont work, but not because it doesnt work, simply bc its too late. Had he been disciplined and corrected the right way years ago in his minor misbehaviors he never would have gotten to this point. I know bc I WAS that kid, and I didnt get slapped around as much as I should have for the crap I pulled when I was younger.

I vote military school. You want to 100% guarantee your boy grows up to be a man you can point at and be proud of? I got one word. Marines.
I don't make deals with my daughter. She knows what I expect and she gets it done. I'm good to her, but I'm firm. I make few demands, and I'm always willing to give of my time. Be free with your love and firm with your expectations, and compromise cautiously. Spend some time with your son. Lead by example.

If your kid is behaving as you say, I would bet that your 'busa is the last thing he needs as a motivator. He's obviously displaying poor judgement. Why give him the means to kill himself with it? A smaller bike maybe, but I'm not in favor of bribes when it comes to behavior therapy so YMMV.
Ok my son is 16 & he lives with his mother, 1340 miles away from me (Ironic number eh) anyway, he's been doing bad in school ...real bad ,showing off for girls ,talking back to teachers, skipping school ,ect .Talking dosen't seam to help soooo, I was thinking about making a deal with him .
Get straight A's from now till he graduates, and I would Give him my 2008 hayabusa ,He loves that bike more then I do.
What do you think ?

you want him doing that with 180 HP.

I would let him mature. Rebel and motorcycle are synonymous with each other, but to much power and not enough respect... not good.