Need help once again.


I have everything done except the main bar that goes through the frame. I got the nut off the left side but how do you get the right side off? Do I need any special tools? If so what kind and what size? Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You need a special socket. It's similar to a CV joint socket for cars but smaller. I do not think you will have much luck finding one at auto stores so you will have to either get one at the dealer, order one online or make one yourself.

You could take a thick metal pipe of the same diameter as the nut and cut the end leaving four notches, but that might be a lot more work than you are willing to do.

Dennis sells socket sets at that will do the swingarm and frame nuts. It looks like the site has been down, though.
A large flathead screwdriver and a mallet will tap that bitc% right off.
yeah and then just buy the relacement bolts and crap you need
When I took mine off, I used a punch & hammer - took my time & was careful.... NO dammage was done to the locking nut.
Now I'm waiting for the socket needed to fit it to be able to torque it to specs. If you can wait for the corect tool, do so.
Otherwise, you will be waiting after to get the right tool.

Pit Bull
Well, I talked a guy into buying a Busa while visiting the show room last Thursday. He brought it back Saturday and traded it for a cruiser. Needless to say they made some money. I guess the loan was my commission.