Ok heres the scoop. I went to a friends house today for a bbq and i park my bike in his driveway like i always do and go inside. Well one of his friends says he has to go to the store and leaves the house. Well about a minute and a half later he comes back inside apologizing to me alot and i say you backed into my bike didnt you? and he says yeah and apologizes some more. so i go outside and look and luckily the bikes not on the ground but he did back into it. There was a scrape on the driveway from the kickstand and a couple scuffs on the front fender, nothing major but thats not the point. So i say its ok no big deal because im getting a new fender anyway because a previous fall at the impound yard a while back. So i continue on with the night and i leave. Im going down the road and it looks like my steering is off a little bit, not much buts noticable. Heres where i need help. What can i do to check to see if it is off and how can i fix it? And if i dont fix it right away what kind of long term damage will i be looking at? Thanks for all your help.