need help rear mudflap removal

Mythos, the problem is to pass the oem tail light connector thru the plastic oem undertail, I think this is the reason because all folks cut the wires.

Ya but not going to solve your problem which is to get a large connector clip through a small hole. That seems to be the first order of business. They must have attached the clip after they put the wire through the hole. Looking more and more like you will have to cut it..and me too when I get to that fender mod.

Let me have a look at that DIY thread. I could swear they were using the OEM ltag Light weren't they?
No I guess not.

I would have a look at the other end of the wire that is attached to the light socket. You may be able to unscrew it unless it is soldered(which I'm betting it is). Sorry I can't be of more help. You might just have to cut it. Damn. You could always use solder or some crimp on connector if you need to reattach.
The only way to solve the problem of cutting the wires is to put a new undertail, oem or hotbodies. You remove the rear mudflap with the undertail and the oem taillight cable and connector. Next you put the new undertail. All rest original and uncutted.
Hotbodies Racing Supersport Undertail w/ Built in LED Signal Lights - Suzuki GSXR1300 Hayabusa - Fits 2008 to 2010 Models

If you can get it for $89 that is probably not any more than you would pay for a new tag light with intact wire (and I haven't a clue how it is installed if it comes with the conector on the end of the wire).

Be careful. Hot bodies doesn't always have a good rep for fitment. have heard many a nightmare. They may be in tune with the Hayabusa. My HB black out lenses fit well on the busa. Kawis seem to have big probs with Hotbodies undertails. Just saying, get some refferals before buying.

Also, IMHO, that HB undertail adds nothing to the appearance. I'm not so sure anyone will notice it.............but you will have you. O.I.N. if it fits on there nicely.

I think I would go with cutting the wire but I am curious to know about the HB undertail.