So I bought one of those with the purpose of rooting it and having a more versatile device,I read that it's kinda simple on the interwebz. And having my son do it for me as I am NOT TECHY AT ALL.
I just want to be able to have movies and books,maybe some games and stuff on it and I can't afford a " true" tablet like a Ipad or a Galaxy. Is there a you tube tutorial or a site I /we can go to to figure this out?
It seems that the unlocks all apply to a lesser firmware. Will it have to be downgraded THEN unlocked, cause he started doing that and it ended in huge frustration.
I just want to be able to have movies and books,maybe some games and stuff on it and I can't afford a " true" tablet like a Ipad or a Galaxy. Is there a you tube tutorial or a site I /we can go to to figure this out?
It seems that the unlocks all apply to a lesser firmware. Will it have to be downgraded THEN unlocked, cause he started doing that and it ended in huge frustration.