Need help tastefully blending two photo's

Yo, If your in the area I am working at the Smokey Point CycleBarn back at the Parts Counter. Exit 206 North of Everett on I-5. Open 7 days a week...

Stop in ask for Keith...

That goes for all ya bastids...
Anyone trying to help my site went down due to bandwidth and they have now fixed it. The pics are on the link at the top of this page in full size and are all the way at the bottom, you will see the thumbnails. TIA
Thanks Truwrecks! Awesome work, I can't believe how real it looks. The pic that should have been taken now has been. I owe you one and your handy work can be seen at the Bradenton, FL Hooter's before long!
Glad you like it. A bit of Photoshop magic.

Notice, I said Photoshop, not Photochop! Photochopping takes very little time or skill!

Okay man scratch that image, I finally realize what you actually want, I'm on it though.  Here we go.

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you got some distance between the lense and the hotters! Move to about 5-8 feet in front of them next time and ask the slightly lean forward.