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Need the boards advice on sprocket chioces.

I do not do any high speed runs requiring a tall gearing ratio. Would like to stay just a little above stock gearing. Need a streetable gearing ratio with plenty of zip yet able to cruise when needed. Have a 43 on the rear now. No idea as of yet for the front. Have not had the time to check.

What have you folks found to be a good compromise?

Based on what you want I would stay with stock in the front which is 17. If you drop to a 16 in front with the 43 you will have too much on the bottom and less on the top.
I think the most common ratio here is 16/42.
Stock being 17/40.
It will make the bottom end insane and still give you about 170 on the top end...

I run the 16/42 thanks largely in part to suggestions I received from the board.
She eats gas and the Speedo goes WAY off at that gear, but man is it fun. ( I really need a Speedohealer)
There is still plenty of room up top, even if you cruise highway quite often I doubt the gearing would bother you.
It might be worth a try changing the front to a 16 with your existing rear. If you need to change the rear out later you will not be out much.

My 2 cents!
i just put a 42 rear sprocket on my bike, i left the front stock and its not much of a diff but enough to be able to feel the extra oomph at the bottom end, i have a 16 tooth also but i am not sure if i am going to install it since i like my current setup.