need the org's help...


a colleage of mine here at work has told me that he has a set of injection mold machines sitting idle at his shop. they are smaller units. he has a tooler to make the molds. what i need is a product to make. im trying to help him get his business off the ground. if it goes, I could have a better job as well.

anyone have any ideas. busa items? these things can crank out alot of parts in a day. injection molding is THE way to make plastics.

i know someone out there has an idea. i hate to see these machine sitting and going to waste. let me know what you have. there could be some money involved if there is money to be made.

i thought about that, problem is that the stupid phones change so fast, the molds would have to be rebuilt quite frequently. the tooling is by far the most expensive part. what kind of phone did you have in mind? im thinking maybe an iphone as it seems to stay the same over multiple generations.
Good point on em changing all the time. I was thinkin most any smart phone, maybe the constant change is and new tooling is why thier $20...
fairings would require very large injection mold machines. i dont think the ones we have here at coleman would even be big enough. tooling cost for that would be astrinomical.

lets put it this way....a simple mold for a cooler cost us about 50k.
How about a trunk for 'busas?? Like the garbage can mod, only one complete trunk kit? That would be small, simple and tooling shouldn't be ridiculous.
Make some aftermarket engine covers for the Gen 1 & Gen 2 Busas, with a carbon-fibre finish.

Even some slip-on faux carbon-fibre covers for the brake & clutch reservoirs. I reckon you could bank on selling them!
I like bot's idea for the trunk mod. There should be some kind of kit so it wasnt a guessing game of parts.

Diggin the key chain idea as well. However I have had the same keychain for my bike for the last 6 years. In saying that I dont know what I would do if I lost it and they dont sell them anymore lmao.
I also do injection molding. What size tun age does he have? Smaller then 100 ton? What size shot. What about the little plastic clips that hold the plastics on the bike. Maybe the turn signal covers. Also go to Wally world and look at all the crap that is imported from China.