Why you're thankful for the .Org?

1)for the fast responses you get when posting a problem 2) for the way i have seen this place help out a member in need
I am thankful for the relationships we build here on this site. It is like no other. If you think this place is special, wait till you put names with faces. I strongly encourage each and every one of you to make a meet/greet. It will change your life. Ok, not in a Zen sort of way, but when you interact with someone online and you have met them, met their family, know their spouse, it makes things different. Much more personal. We can rejoice in the triumphs, and also shed tears from the heartaches. This is life! :cheerleader:

Well said....I think this goes for most of us here. Don't know what I did before I had my texting buddies! :lol:

I am thankful for all of the people I have met from far away places. The people who have taken me in when I have been in there towns and made me feel like a part of the family. Lycan and his crew, Rayabusa and all of his crew. I am also thankful fo rthe ones who I have not met in person, yet they call me, text me, email me and what have you, just to say hello, and see how things are going. Lavinrac, Sambusa, Scar ( I have met you), Dan, JrsBusa, Acehole, MrsG, BusaJules,DocDrop,BoB, and so many more.
That is why I love this place.

Kevin you knew this was coming: What happened to ladies first? :whistle:
Wow, the .org has been a great source of information on maintenance, modifications and support from the members and SPONSORS! A place to share the comaradrie and our mutual passion for the open road and motorcycles. :thumbsup:
I'm thankful for all of the friends I've made on here. Although I've never gotten to meet you in person, it almost seem's like I have.:beerchug:

I also am appreciative of the information from this site. Right now I'm looking for information and determining whether a spot in the military is for me, and there are MANY GREAT service-members on here, that have done dividends for my decision process.:thumbsup:

Thank you all.:bowdown:
For all my friends here and the ability that we have to help each other when we are in need :beerchug:
For all my friends here and the ability that we have to help each other when we are in need :beerchug:

:bowdown: ...i have made many friends here that i ride with all the time, guys who would help me out with just a call:bowdown:
The .org is a classy place, lots of positive energy, unlike many other forums where so many take pride in being complete azz hat's.
I am thankful for the relationships we build here on this site. It is like no other. If you think this place is special, wait till you put names with faces. I strongly encourage each and every one of you to make a meet/greet. It will change your life. Ok, not in a Zen sort of way, but when you interact with someone online and you have met them, met their family, know their spouse, it makes things different. Much more personal. We can rejoice in the triumphs, and also shed tears from the heartaches. This is life! :cheerleader:

+1 Well Said James !! :bowdown:
just flat out "EXISTING". this site has saved me alot of coin from taking to the "stealership" over the years.
A picture is worth a thousand words...




hopefully i'll be an addition to that group this year.
Posted via Mobile Device