Need to change my name


As of 12am Aug 5 2012 my state Paramedic cert expired, I am no longer a paramedic, no longer can I rush out inthe middle of the night fighting drving ran, thunderous storms, bitter cold, to arrive at the scene of what ever medical emergency I have been called to. No longer will someone be able to look at me and say " what took you so long to get here" when they them selves chose to live 15 miles from the closest hospital. No longer will I miss out on sleeping a full nights sleep cause a patient who has been " not feeling well" and felt they neeeded to call 911 at 2am on a Sunday morning. And best of al I no longer have to look at a family torn apart by the careless actions of a drunk driver. Yes i will miss it, as it has been one of the biggest parts of my life for 15 years. But I wont miss the low pay, the abuse given by managment, or the back stabbing coworkers who are only there for the title of "Paramedic" and not for the patients. I guess I am a odd ball in the EMS world. See I actualy care about each and every one of my patients, and i learn something from everyone of them. Unlike todays paramedics where every patient is just a problem getting between them and quality time with the sofa back at the station.

But on to bigger and better things. in the spring of 2015 I will have my RN license and I am so looking forward to it. I recently got a job at MUSC as a patient care teh ( take vitals, draw blood, bathe patients, and asst nurses with what ever they need. Its a big step backward from being a paramedic, but i will be basking in knowledge from the nurses and Dr's I will be working with on a daily basis.

So I need to change my name, even change the tag on my bike as I am no longer a Ditch Dr, but more of a RN's do boy.

P.S. I will be taking the paramdeic refresher class in the fall, im not letting go of it so easy lol
I hate to break it to you but nurses work long hours and get the short end of the stick too at hospitals:poke: wait till you miss a vein on some irritable persons arm a view times and see the warm reception you get :laugh: The grass is always greener on the other side......until you see how big a yard you have to mow:whistle:
Oh I know they work long hours, but consider I am coming fro ma 72 hour work week going into a 36 hour work week, it looks a lot better. The pay is a lot better, not to mention I work at a state hospital, so I get great benefits and like 38 days a year of vacvation, paid holidays, 20 days sick leave and 10 days Pto time. I worked for the county and got to keep 100 hours of vacation on the book, then it was use or loose, the insurance SUCKED, sick pay was 1/2 of regular pay, PTO was not there, and if you shift was on a holiday then you just owrked it. Oh and over time came into comp time. Pretty much work extra and it went into a account that you could use for vacation, or sick time only IF you used all the other sick and vacation time on the books first. So pretty much you worked for free.
get in good with who ever you are going to work with, in the nursing world its more about time in grade than most anything else. My mom got her BSN and was fresh in the job (not career) and was wiping azzes because she was the fresh person on staff. Its a thankless position but one that we need more least good ones :thumbsup:
Hope the transition from one to the other is smooth.

As far as coworkers.. They all the same. You'll run into back stabbers just as easy as well as those who just do enough to get bye. It's tough to find a good work environment in the medical field when they always pressured by things like budgets. The ones in charge are usually concerned with the all mighty dollar.

Best of luck to you and thank you for being such a caring individual.
Oh I know they work long hours, but consider I am coming fro ma 72 hour work week going into a 36 hour work week, it looks a lot better. The pay is a lot better, not to mention I work at a state hospital, so I get great benefits and like 38 days a year of vacvation, paid holidays, 20 days sick leave and 10 days Pto time. I worked for the county and got to keep 100 hours of vacation on the book, then it was use or loose, the insurance SUCKED, sick pay was 1/2 of regular pay, PTO was not there, and if you shift was on a holiday then you just owrked it. Oh and over time came into comp time. Pretty much work extra and it went into a account that you could use for vacation, or sick time only IF you used all the other sick and vacation time on the books first. So pretty much you worked for free.

Guess the only downside you can never call in sick to work:poke: :whistle: :laugh:
in the spring of 2015 I will have my RN license and I am so looking forward to it. I recently got a job at MUSC as a patient care teh ( take vitals, draw blood, bathe patients, and asst nurses with what ever they need.

God bless you Man!! You made a decision and put your nose to the grindstone and headed that direction! Well done :bowdown:
I never even realized what your name said...guess I am not much of a trained observer
way to go matt...and how is that other "side" business going...anything new and interesting?