Need truck help!

just wondering, if you dont mind me asking. how much do they charge to debadge a vehicle. only asking because its pretty simple to do, i do it everyday at my bodyshop for collision work. just thinking maybe i can make a few bucks doing it.
just wondering, if you dont mind me asking. how much do they charge to debadge a vehicle. only asking because its pretty simple to do, i do it everyday at my bodyshop for collision work. just thinking maybe i can make a few bucks doing it.

My detail guy did it for me for $50. But that included claybar, buffing, polishing, sealing, the whole 9 yards.
i would say debadge as well then black powder coat the nissan emblem
redo the badges chrome light blue....yea....i think that would look cool
I have issues with dropping a 4x4. Just always have. But Titans look so darn good dropped.. :banghead:

I have the factory chrome 20's on my Ram quad cab with the chrome badges, but I'm waiting til I can find a nice looking set of 22in Black wheels before I start removing all the other chrome. I'm on the fence whether to lower my truck also