Never ran a 1/4 miles on anything...planning on


Alive & enjoying it!
Donating Member
Ok , about all I know is I should keep the rpms up and begin letting out the clutch when I see the yellow light.

My Bike is totally stock except for an exhaust and PCIII.

What RPMs should I stay revved up to? How many gears am I going to use and when should I shift?

Any advice would be appreciated.

BTW I dont plan on making this a habit or anything I just want to try it once.
BTW I dont plan on making this a habit or anything I just want to try it once.
Is it possible to stop?

Anyways, try starting out with the RPMs about 4500 and when the last yellow lights up, let it out till it starts to catch, then pin the throttle, and slip the clutch fast enough to keep the RPMs at 4500 till it's all the way out.  After that, keep the throttle pinned and pull in the clutch, shift and let it back out as fast as possible around 10K RPMs for every gear...and hold on.

As you get better, raise the RPMs you launch at...I'm stock and now launch at 7000.

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Thanks..I suppose on my first run I should probaby just follow thru and get feel for the track as well...ive heard its pretty beat up.
take your time and get used to it at first. when starting, get your rpms up a little and let your clutch out until you can start to feel it wanting to move the bike, at the last yellow light, keep the rpms up and feather out your clutch, if it starts to wheelie...pull in your clutch alittle and it will sit back down. If it does not wheelie or spin...the next time you know that you can leave either at a higher rpm or feather out the clutch alittle bit faster. The key is to be at wide open throttle as fast as you can with out your clutch be held in. You should be in 3rd gear going through the traps and that with you shifting at around 10,500 rpms. Work on your launching, and wide open throttles as quick as possible. You will definately get the feel of it and start bettering your times with each run. Have fun and be careful...only do what you are comfortable doing. And oh yeah...hold on!
BTW I dont plan on making this a habit or anything I just want to try it once.
I said that too. It's very addicting, you'll go back. "If I just do this, I'll be 3/10ths faster......." Almost all the guys I ride with go back after they go once. Even the ones who claimed not to like drag racing before they went. The best advice I can offer is to leave the tree just like you leave a stop light on the street, only without worrying about cross traffic. Smoothly release the clutch and twist the throttle. It doesn't matter how fast you do it, just be smooth and have them in synch. Good luck, let us know how it goes. BTW, my first time I stalled the bike at the tree........
Ok , about all I know is I should keep the rpms up and begin letting out the clutch when I see the yellow light.

My Bike is totally stock except for an exhaust and PCIII.

What RPMs should I stay revved up to?  How many gears am I going to use and when should I shift?  

Any advice would be appreciated.

BTW I dont plan on making this a habit or anything I just want to try it once.
I am not gonna get on here and tell you what you should do because honestly you are gonna something completely different.

My only recommendation is that you just get out and take it easy the first couple of runs and make sure you wear all of your gear luck and post some of your slips.

Dude forget all that keep ur RPM's up stuff........
I can leave on my Busa from idle and just slide the clutch at the same time rolling into the throttle till fully pinned and footshift and run 9.60's all day long.
For being new to the whole experience I'll tell you just like when I was taught when I was first starting out when i was 15......Take off like your at a traffic light with no cops around and the better it feels to you give'er more.........
The Busa is a torque monster.....this makes it very forgiving leaving off the line.
When I make full blast passes with my airshifter on, slammed and all go I still only leave at 2000 rpm. And that gets me 9.40's@147 with 1.56 60's and saves a lot of wear on my clutches......
My bike has exhaust, pc, slammed, and clutch mod.
And another thing to remember is that you dont want a whole lot of rpms if your bike is stock and you have to worry about how the stock clutch is gonna act...
Dude forget all that keep ur RPM's up stuff........
I can leave on my Busa from idle and just slide the clutch at the same time rolling into the throttle till fully pinned and footshift and run 9.60's all day long.
For being new to the whole experience I'll tell you just like when I was taught when I was first starting out when i was 15......Take off like your at a traffic light with no cops around and the better it feels to you give'er more.........
The Busa is a torque monster.....this makes it very forgiving leaving off the line.
When I make full blast passes with my airshifter on, slammed and all go I still only leave at 2000 rpm.  And that gets me 9.40's@147 with 1.56 60's and saves a lot of wear on my clutches......
My bike has exhaust, pc, slammed, and clutch mod.
And another thing to remember is that you dont want a whole lot of rpms if your bike is stock and you have to worry about how the stock clutch is gonna act...