New '06 busa (sorry kinda long)

Ok well didn't get stickers and reflectors off yet, but here some pics. Can see on right side the damage from dealer. They wanted to keep it til they got new ones in but could not wait. So once they come in I will get that fixed. Going for 600 mile maint. on Friday maybe get lucky they be there by then.

looks nice
Yort I definitely like the new Red, Bike looks sweeeet!
to bad the blue and silver is the fastest color
thanx for the pics
Thanks for the kind words. When I picked up my bike they had the blk/sil and a blu/sil in also. The blk/sil looked awesome as well. The silver had a ton of metalflake in it. Never really liked the blu/silver but it did look great. Then again they are all busas so you really can't go wrong even if the new cranberry color does add a few horses
Wow, they made the reflectors brighter in '06! j/k

That cranberry red is sweet looking. Congrats. and thanks for posting pics.  
Welcome ! And just so you know Red is the fastest color (cranberry is closeto red)
Welp talk to dealer today they got my new fairing in now. So have to wait one more week til I get a chance to get off work and make it down there to get them put on. Going to see if they will let me keep the nose and tail section since ya can't even tell there is any damage there.
Cool cranberry color and congrats on teh new bike...
Is that a 'Mohawk' you're sporting?