Mr. Critterdoc, your agressive tone coupled with your statement about your vast experience seem to reduce your credibility on this subject. Anyone that has ridden the stock Hayabusa hard enough in the heat to experience moderate to severe fade, understands the OEM shortcomings. Some may be happy with OEM braking for 100k miles, that is fine. Can we acknowledge that both perspectives are valid?
My Busa's brakes were highly modified because I'm heavy, I ride hard, and I want 2 finger pressure to remain the same all day. I don't care if you are Carlos Checa, you can't trump my personal experience with my motorcycle.
BTW, I suggest none of you should get personal, especially towards someone like have no idea whom you are talking about. Raydog
Er...Tufbusa was totally agreeing with the post I put up right before him, and my post replying to his was 100% total humour. I'm not sure how anyone could possibly think I was serious, but I apologise for the mistake.