New Busa in my garage, I have a few questions.

I think the Kanji simply means "Watch all of these silly foreigners try to assign some deep meaning to this "Slang" Kanji we just made up" He he he... Nuke us will you? We shall confuse and frustrate you with our chosen placement of the Oil Filter...Bwah ha ha... Make sure you have to remove all side plastics to get to it...He he he...

Then we will give them Suedo Special and Limited Edition busa's that are only sort of limited and sorta special HE HE HE HE.... Yes, leave some of them parts silver while blacking out the rest... Bwahhahahah... THEN, we'll leave the cable clamps along the head stock and other bits and pieces a funky OD green color to further frustrate them bastards...

That will teach em'


-No Choke, Fast Idle.
-VFR's Rock BTW
-The clutch is noisy when it's out and the bike is idling in neuteral.
-Dual trip meters because it's cheaper than putting some useful information or capabilities in it.

But, The bike is simply amazing despite Suzuki's best efforts I think sometimes. I love mine and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The main reason for a fuel shut off switch is sometimes, depending on the condition of the carbuerators, if a machine has sat for awhile the gravity pulling down on the fuel can allow it to leak. It will leak down into the carbs overfilling the fuel bowls and then the excess fuel will travel down through the intake, heads, and into the cylinders. The gas can then seep past the piston rings and contaminate the oil supply below it. However fuel injection is different, the high pressure the system uses should prevent this from ever happening. As for the fuel shut off under the tank, I could be wrong but I don't think there is one. If the fuel line is disconnected fuel will not flow from the tank connection though.
ha ha and awesome !! I wish my g/f was as interested in bike as I was to read the owner's manual !! SWEET !!

Oh and regarding the Kanji, here's the REAL explanation

My g/f is Japananese and she told me this about the symbol. The symbol is a Chinese character, (Chinese characters are used in virtually every other Asian culture besides just Chinese), anyway the character means "Hayabusa", the fast diving falcon. Hayabusa could have been shown in the Japanese dialect with a few other characters but it doesn't look as cool as the single Chinese character. I hope that makes sense to you
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'></span><span style='color:darkblue'></span>  Thank you all for your welcome and replies!  It's still raining...not sure when it's going to stop, but he's having some major "damn rain" moments!

I am excited to see that another Busa from VT has finnally landed at this site.
Let's all go out and ride sometime.

Sounds Great!  We have never seen a busa down this way...southern VT on the NH/MA boarder.  We've seen a few when we head south to CT for pizza (johns from CT and Italian, so we head south for the good stuff!)....

-No Choke, Fast Idle.[/QUOTE]  Thats what the dealer said....glad he was right.  He admitted that he'd never personally riden a busa...his tech's have, but not him...small dealership...older guy owns it...great place though...we got the busa for $2500.00 less than the other dealer wanted, without having to dicker on the price...(made the check book happy!) add to the fact that a lot of dealers around here charge $500 for a 'crate fee' put the bike together....this guy says "what are you buying a crate or a bike? I dont charge to take it outta the crate" LOL

The main reason for a fuel shut off switch is sometimes, depending on the condition of the carbuerators, if a machine has sat for awhile the gravity pulling down on the fuel can allow it to leak. It will leak down into the carbs overfilling the fuel bowls and then the excess fuel will travel down through the intake, heads, and into the cylinders. The gas can then seep past the piston rings and contaminate the oil supply below it[/QUOTE]  Explains the reason my Interceptor has the shut off....thanks!

As for 4 wheelers, we have some of those also.
This is me the other day on my Honda, we have a Polaris 500 sportsman, and the Suzuki 80, and 160 for the kids.[/QUOTE]

We use to be a Honda family...the garage is still full of em..John and I both have Rubicons, he has a XR650R, and we have 2 older four-tracs....then the 7 year old wanted a quad from Santa...well, we ended up with an Artic Cat 90....then the Busa the Honda Loyalty theory went out the window!  How old are your kids?....Our 6 year old doenst want a quad, she wants a dirtbike.....maybe next year...she's gotta master the bicycle without training wheels for quite some time before I give her a dirtbike..

Anyways thanks again to you all for the warm welcome...I appreciate it!  I know how some boards can be when newbies come along...What a great place this is!

So how longs it gonna be before you succumb and get on the busa yourself?
Welcome to the board. I use my #1 trip for my daily riding. I use # 2 trip to keep track of my wife's fuel stop since she does not have a fuel guage on her Harley. The simbol on th bike means catch me if you can.
it is awesome . I have 320 miles in 5 days . Please do not skip the 600 mile service . make sure your headlight and front brake is adjusted. Mine seem to be slightly out of WACK. Take it EASY on that back tire it is very slippery the 1st 150 or so miles . Enjoy! Keep the Rubber side down.
Congratulations and welcome to the board. There is no bias here as to hte type of bike you have, but you know what we all really love!

Very cool that you ride. There's a wealth of knowledge to be gained on this site. Use it to your advantage.