New busa


hi i am getting my first busa next sat . i used to work for a Suzuki dealer so i called them up and they gave me a deal i just could not pass up
07 in black
welcome to the boards

sweet congrats.  tell em to throw in a jacket or helmet with the deal.

a few rules to follow
remove stickers and reflectors
post pics once you get her home
and enjoy

you'll love it here. lots of great folks.
let the addiction begin lol
man is it sat yet i want my new busa and one know ant good places i can look for a backrest seat for my wife i am in the usa NY . i have seen the corbin i was looking for more thanks
I coulnd resist the black 07 either. It is also my first busa. Everyone is snatching up the black ones also so Im repainting it now custob black if you will. heres your new bike in b/w with no kanji ,no fleckers,and no mud flap. and lowered 2". enjoy.

ok hear it is my first BUSA i was wondering if any one had any tips on setting it up for 2 up thanks P1010158.jpg