New dude

Welcome aboard
...where in Tennessee
Welcome to the oRg. You will love this place. Since you mentioned it, spill the beans on the name.
Thanks for the welcome> the more i look at the color the more i love it, i might just get my buddy to lay a few stripes in it (old school style so i dont feel to much like a traitor leaving the chopper world).
I live just south of Nashville in a little town called Nolensville, Right next to Brentwood/Franklin. Whats the bash and where and when is it?

As far as the name it goes back to my hot rod club ( i own a few rare classics). One night while drunk at aand talking with a few of the guys we got a bit sappy and started talking about how big a family we had become. Me being the smart ass i am said "We are like the f****** Brady Bunch and im Cindy Brady!" NExt day everyone started calling me that and it stuck. Its OK though, i have embraced my Cindyness. I even have Blonde Braids that i wear at show and ones for my helmet as well.

Heres a pic of my old bike right after i got it 4 years ago, which is for sale by the way.
