New female Busa owner in Swfl

:poke: one piston on the hayabusa is bigger then the whole ninja 250 was, just remember you have that one and 3 more just like it...:laugh: be carefull, and us guys like that you posted pics of the scoot, but i also want to see a pic of you..but thats just the pervert in me speaking:rulez::beerchug:

How's that for a snap shot????
Skootrrgirl nothing like a Busa gal with an alligator seat livin' in FLA. We welcome you to the .org and the Busa club. Very nice bike and I'd like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas! wardie :beerchug:
Welcome to the oRg...the men here don't get out much, so please just remember that when they post in your thread :laugh:

joker and I live right up the road in port charlotte' we are usually up for a ride . but we go slow joker has an orange bike so kinda take it easy so he can keep up:laugh::laugh:
joker and I live right up the road in port charlotte' we are usually up for a ride . but we go slow joker has an orange bike so kinda take it easy so he can keep up:laugh::laugh:

I think I'll be having to be the one to keep up Remember I am still new on the Busa.
Miss. i REALLY hope you slow your roll. if the complete operation of a busa is capably of being tamed in five a HUMAN... our species would already be polluting that crap out of another planet.

slow down....
show us pics of your gear....