new from long island ny

One of formula ones shops is in freeport they have a nother in Manhattan and a few more on the east coast somewhere they all have different names but owned by Whittey. good people , but i would go where you get the best priice otd under 10,000 sounds like a great deal , I would look into that one first , depending on where in jersey they can probably handle the registration in New York for you .:beerchug: And when you get it lock it up Left my 05 In front of my house for 3 years no problems , 08 didnt last a year ! stolen. Cops said if I had lojack they would have it back in an hour. If you dont have a place to keep it locked up ? Lojack and state farm full coverage insurance .
i have 3 garages at my house so lock up is no problem and i also see roadlok has a new lock out for beta testing. 10 otd was about what i wanted to pay for it. im gonna be going to ims so hopefully can scrore a deal on an orange there thanks for the info on the dealer near albany but its about 4hrs away so its a bit far for me also whats the deal with the extended warranty how long is it for and whats the price on that if anyone know thanks to everyone for all the help
i bought a quad last weekend at island power sports on staten island NY about an hour and a half from you they had an 08 orange and a blue on the floor
born and raised in huntington--now in florida--how's the weather--don't remember it ever getting that cold------
staten island good call on that thank you matyss
yesterday it was about 14 degrees today is around 19 its pretty hot up here:laugh: