New from Western Australia, soon to be owner!

Chiming in !!!!!! from the East coast though.


There is a big Hayabusa meet in W.A next year, they will be storming your coast.
Hi, Bec.

I'm over in Sydney and am also a member of the Australian Hayabusa Club. There are a few members in WA, so if you join the Aussie Club, you should be able to tee up some ride days.
Australian Hayabusa Club Forum

:welcome: and yes we have several Aussies here.
TwoTone maybe with her permission you can edit her thread title and add 'from western Australia' to draw them out ?

Good thinking, Blanca!'s "Western Australia". - Capital "W", since it's the name of the State. WA is ridiculously huge. Like, bigger than Alaska and Texas combined. Being largely deserted, it's where all of the serial killers like to hang out.
Ta guys for the warm welcome and also the info about aussie contacts :) I will make sure to check the Aussie Club out.

Here are some more pics of my new baby….. I picked her up yesterday and commuted with her the first time this morning. Commuting, lanesplitting and being able to fit the Busa through city peak traffic was one of my main concerns in getting one. I was very happy as I managed to lanesplit in all barr one of the situations my previous bike could have :cheerleader:





:welcome:from across the world! You and your hubby to be ride safe down there. :beerchug:
That would rock if possible :)

Ta for the warm welcome. Yup he bought me the bike but it is fairplay as I bought him the LE 25th Anniversary GSXR1000 :p Our treat to each other :thumbsup:

Here is a pic of me and my new brrm brrm during the test ride.
you got the better end of the deal. :poke::laugh: :welcome:
G'day becboo,

juz welcomed you on the Oz Busa site earlier......and :welcome: here, too!
(soz for that joke over was juz too hard to resist!)

keep it fun,
Ah just found that that they have to wait for confirmation from the bank that my trade-in bikes loan has been fully paid out and as per usual, you know what banks are like.....

Predicting that I will be able to pick the new brrm brrm up tomorrow and I have a loaner bike at the moment. Wish me luck getting home up the hills on this bike (an old suzuki 650) with a current storm warning for this afternoon :p


Congratulations Bekiboo.
Now you can chase each other over over the country! Lucky guy indeed!
Hey the mining boom over there must be really as good as they say!
Pity you are subsidizing the rest or else you might get a few REALLY fast roads especially made by the government for Hayabusas!
Welcome to the Home of the greatest Motorcycle ever built.... the Hayabusa?
LOL I sound like a poet here, but welcome anyways my friend
