New GSXR1000


foget that honda remember the quote on the xx when it came out 'bike fast enough no need ram air!we dont need them telling us whats fast enough we'll be the about a factory turbo busa!suzuki will come out with a bigger srad how big is the question and will the weight loss be at the expense of the engines strength!and its builability(see one piece case cyl. set up on 2000 srad.).remember the placement of the "R"'
In MCN this week there is an article regarding the new GSXR1000. It describes the new machine as weighing in at 170kg (374lb) but not going as far as giving power output.

The frame and bodywork will be "almost" the same as the '00 750 apart from being strenghtened as you would expect. It will appear in 2001 or maybe earlier according to a Japanese mag that has very close links with the factory.

Sounds pretty exciting so far, but with most new model reports it's best to to get too excited.....but I can't help myself!!

[This message has been edited by pooh (edited 27 January 2000).]
MCN is well known for making up stories about all kinds of new bikes , but it makes sense that Suzuki will come out with a 1000cc next year. And Ill be the first to add it to my collection :)
Hell I even let my gf trade in her ZX9R so we can get a KAWI free house. ( she is having her kawi in the livingroom, **** I wasnt alowwed to do so with my busas :( )
Did you really think Yamaha's R1 would be king forever?

Honda may have fell short with the 929 according to MCN, time will tell.

Suzuki's year will be 2001,
as you all know 2001 is the begining of the new millenium.
...I know you get exited and can't help your self, and you have nothing to be ashmed of, but I don't see any reason to be proud of your self either...opps, wrong forum...
How cool would it be if the 1000 engine was a destroked, debored Hayabusa engine ? Imagine all those 10/13 swaps we all would do.....
Have now seen a copy of the magazine, but not got one myself yet :( There is a picture of the bike, looking very much like the GSXR750, and a release date of March 2000 ! Couldn't see any other stats on it. Same mag also has rider tests on the ZX12R. Gives figures of 178bhp without ram air, 194 with. Same rider same day 400m times with final speeds comparing zx12r, gsx1300r, cbr1100xx, zzr100(d), and I have the max speed to the nearest .1mph it ain't 200 !

[This message has been edited by dazee (edited 29 January 2000).]