New Guy

thanks to all you insurance a cheaper on a busa since it considered as a touring bike? i never had insurance on my bike

The Busa is not considered a touring is classified as the highest along with the ZX-14 in the sportbike class by insurance companies. They go off cc's and repair/theft value. Dont be fooled. Depends on where you live and what your record is.

I have ridden many liter bikes such as the R1 and CBR1000...the Busa is slightly longer (but that is a plus for me at 6'0) and it turns on a dime. The Busa has much more significant torque than the liter bikes. I can do the twisties with a is very comfortable. Of course, in speed, it will outrun the liter bikes...
i dont really like the tail on the 08's but i might grow on them...another question why all the liter bike guys have so much negative to say about the busa riders...oh and how much of a difference does age have to do with insurance cost?

1. They likely cannot afford the Busa.
2. They are twistie riders (what do you think the Busa dragsters said about the 1000's?
3. They just cannot handle that much power.

In the end, Porsche drivers love their Porsches and wouldnt have a Ferrari...and vice versa. Of course, some Ferrari drivers own a Porsche too, so that is like owning a Busa and a 1000.

1000 - High winding rocket

Busa - Torque driven Missile...and the fastest :bowdown:
Welcome, and enjoy.

I think you will find all the answers you need by poking around here.

Most of us would probably say the 'Busa just does everything better!
My Busa is stock for the most part, the prior owner put a 200/50 rear tire on it but just as the others have commented, my Busa turns just fine.

Low speed turns - The turning radius of any bike is proportional to the ability of the rider. Yes the Busa has a longer wheel base but you can still pull off a tight low speed turn if you're not too scared to lean the big girl over. It's all about leaning, shifting your weight, rear braking and working the friction zone of the clutch.

High speed turns/twisties - Just as with the low speed turns and as with any other bike, you gotta have the b@lls to lean the big girl over and she'll handle the tightest of turns. Tossing her side to side in the twisties is just a matter of pushing the bar and rolling with her. Yes she is a longer and heavier bike but if you tell her to go you better be ready because she is gonna go. Some folks like to lower the ride height or put a phat tire on the rear, that's great for straight line hauling a$$. But, lowering changes the center of gravity and a bigger tire is heavier which changes the gyroscope effect, both of these "cool" mods will make any bike harder to turn.

hahaha I did both, and sure enough, handleing has suffered, but it does look way cooler now:laugh: that right, im cool cause my bike is
Mine's lowered stills turns on a dime, and gives you change.:thumbsup: Trust me, people that say Busa's don't handle, can't handle a Busa.
I sextuple (look it up and get yer minds outta the gutter) what everyone else said.

My bike turns just fine. I came from a 600 and yes, it's a little heavier but dannnnnnnng, hit the throttle and watch the world melt into the background; then you find a lovely corner to carve, it's just better than most other things you can think of. The busa is an all-around great bike to own. The ergos on litre bikes cause my back to hurt on anything over 30 minutes and my wife refuses to sit on that little perch they call a pillion
Welcome,:welcome:I just got mine and love it.It handles great and the acceleration is second to none.You will have a constant smile.:thumbsup:
:welcome: to the oRg. From reading your post I have to say go with the Busa. It turns just fine and is a far superior bike for rides and especially for your passenger. The girls around here love my rear seat. Of course it belongs to one of them now. Anyway the Busa in my experience is cheaper to buy as well. Never have figured that one out.

I could go on and on but the Busa is an extreme ride :thumbsup:

I was told that the Busa was cheaper than the GSXR's due to demand. I first was going to buy a Gsxr 1000 but the Busa was cheaper. More bike less money no brainer.
Hi ya Rat Motor :) :welcome::welcome:

So what are your plans for riding? the 1K is certainly not the comfort bike the Busa is..