!-NEW-! Hayabusa site OPEN~!

Very nice graphics and setup. That said I think another Hayabusa site will just make it that much harder to sort through the bs in order to find useful info. Same number of needles but two haystacks.

BigDog didn't charge us a penny for all the time, effort, and money he put into Hayabusa.org. Starting up a new site that is functionally(not technically) a carbon copy of Hayabusa.org is not what I would call an act of gratitude, more like a put down. To each his own.
Ranger may have risen to the bar, only time will tell who will raise it. If Chase will make the effort to the find the time and gets the photo part working we would not have much to complain about. It took a lot of my time to send out all that Akrapovic Dyno sheets and Service Buletins, with Rangers site one email and it was finished business.
I don't mind doing it but every time you log on, you are faced with scrolling "Photo and Members Sites Comming Soon"

(How long have we read photo and members section comming soon - Soon My A**, Ranger's site opened last night and we have Service Bulletins and Zero Gravity pictures right there for all to see.)

Hayabusa org has a lot of info buried deep in its bowels.

Administrators do not forget with out members and relevant information these sites are no more than a bookmark.

We will leave t-shirts alone, maybe we will have them for Y2K.

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 10 October 1999).]
Big dog has done a great job so far. I think he's smart enough to see this as a little competition at best, not an attack on his credibility. Ranger want's to have a different kind of forum. Let him. Hopefully the sites will compliment each other. I look forward to seeing Ranger's site expand. I also want Chase's to do the same. Maybe Toobad will start one.
The purpose of Hayabusa-Online is not to compete with Hayabusa.org. It will have some of the same info with more added to it, for those that believe that my site is a carbon copy, I am a computer programmer, and Sr. Website Designer for MCS, Inc in cali. I believe all of my work to be original. My site has a Macromedia Flash 4 interface, that should make the site more entertaining and easy to navigate. Along with the 3d mod section I am creating I believe the graphical content, and the interface content to be completely original. I will NEVER have a bad word to say about hayabusa.org, and I will continue to visit here. I hope my site will intertwine with hayabusa.org nicly, and I am sure Chase is not offended by it.

Close minded people, make dull conversation.
your internet browser must have shockwave flash4 installed, if its not installed it should automatically download the software for you. This is about a 30 second download on a 28.8 modem. Internet Explorer 3+ or Netscape Navigator 3+.
Maui what would that site be called?

Ranger what is the suggested browser of choice for your site?

Have you ever seen the intro to the Suzuki-France site?

Respectfully Chase and Ranger are doing a great job, "Competition Improves the Breed".
Like it or not when two sites offer a similar substance it is competitive scenario. :)

We could still be riding the GT750 "water buffalo", so call competition what ever you like.
...hey, graphics are cool, but they don't replace content...personaly I am already tired of the intro to Hayabusa Online while waiting to log on...flashy graphics aside, the site will become what the users make of it...