New here, bought a white '09 ! Jacked !

Thanks for the awesome welcome mat boys and girls ! :thumbsup:

I'll do pictures after I put my own personal touches on it, at this point its just a factory stock '09, but not for long ! hehe :laugh:
Ride it like you stole it, just stay out of the redline. Don't stay at a constant speed or RPM either.
:welcome: I too went by the manual, did my first oil change at 480 miles and my second at 1400 miles, maybe a little soon, but oil changes are the most important thing you can do for your bike..just my :2cents:
woops where are my manners picked up a white 09 last week. Awesome bike I cant stop grinning. Come to think of it they should warn you about that.

nice scoot i want to trade mine in on that color scheme absolutely love the white bikes, theyre just not as common
Nice color choice and welcome to the site. :beerchug:

You can't go wrong by following the manuals method of break-in but the most important thing is to vary the rpm more than keep it under a certain rpm.
:welcome: to the .oRg.

I'm an advocate of 'the book'. That way, if something goes wrong, you can blame it on 'the book'. There will be many me on that.

There's a midwest meet & greet this weekend in Kenosha. Seek out Lurch; I think he's the main man putting that dealio together.

I grew up on the shores of Lake Geneva...the old stomping ground, yo.

Enjoy the ride...
There will be many me on that.
Not sure if this is directed at anyone in particular but I do wish to point out that varying your rpm during break-in is in fact a fact and not an opinion. The people with these "opinions" you speak of have probably never built an engine in their life and I am not one of those.:whistle: