New Here

Pics as promised.

The 1999 Bandit 1200 is mine.
The 2007 Honda Shadow 750 is my wifes.




So, it has been awhile.

I've been browsing and looking at all kinds of different bikes.
I kept coming back to the Busa.
I'd look at the CBR, then the Busa, the new R1, then the Busa, the new GSXR1000, then the Busa...

Well, last night I decided I had enough of looking and finally made the jump. I came home with a beautiful 09 Busa in Black.
They had to order my slip ons and my black chrome sport screen. Pics will follow once I get those huge cans off :cheerleader:
Congrats on the decision!:thumbsup:
You will not regret it.
:welcome: to the Busa fam.
Ride safe
Just tell me... Black is the fastest color right? I looked at the white, and the gray, but they didn't look as fast as the black :rofl:
Just tell me... Black is the fastest color right? I looked at the white, and the gray, but they didn't look as fast as the black :rofl:


As a 09 Silver owner I would have to disagree with you. :laugh:

I love the blacks though too and if I didn't live in the desert I would have owned one.
Okay, I realize this is a necro post.

I actually did a ton of research when I went shopping for a new bike and created an account here to learn about the Busa, which was one of the bikes that I was looking at purchasing. Well, as I mentioned earlier, I bought one.

I came back to the site when I bought her to try and figure out how the fairing is removed.

As promised much earlier here are some pics of the Busa, "Angel"



Thanks for the wonderful site.
There is a massive amount of information here.

Edited: It may take me forever to get around to it, but, I keep my word! :rofl:
:welcome: and congrats on a life-changing decision. You've not only purchased the best bike, you've found the best group to hang out with.


:welcome: That bike is truly beautiful, the depth of the paint, the megapixels of that camera, if I didn't have a busa already, that pic would make me want one ! good luck, dont bend that angel !
.... not trying to scare ya', but I got off light with this one, just a torn stomach lining and a bruised bowel >>> Be careful and welcome :beerchug:
