New Look For Next Year

nice long is your bike?. im deciding on either keep my busa a motor bike to do the same.. hope to run 8.80 - 9.05 to run crazy 8's . and et bike. but i weigh 240 in shorts. it does have a 1441 in it.with that .. had some problems with it last season so never ran like it should. so goal this winter is to get it figured out.

Bertha is 67 inches, or very close to it. It will go 8.70's for sure this summer still stock motor but I weigh 165 in shorts.

You don't want to run 9.05 in Crazy 8's !
dennis you are correct ... if didnt explain myself to well. if it runs fast enough with me on it to run 8.80 or just run et a whatever time it runs with my big ass on
Blue Bertha went 8.77 last year at 152 and best mph was 154-155. This is stock motor weighing a little under 500 and me weighing 175 suited. It should be 22-25 pounds lighter this year so I'm thinking it should be in the high 8.60's to maybe 8.70. The gearing is soft at 17-45 so the best 60' was only 1.35 with a 1.39 typical. With the stock pan and exhaust underneath I don't want to lower it from where it is and I definitely don't want to be fighting wheelies. Lowered and geared it would go 1.31 - 1.32 in the 60' so low 8.60's would be possible. At any rate, it makes a good bracket bike.
Man that looks good. I also like the fact you are busting heads with a stock motor. Keep it up brother!

I decided to buy a sidewinder and a flat pan so I will be lowering it more and adding some gear. They say you only live once so I might as well see what I can do with this thing.
No radio issues at all. Clutch. I would get clutch creep when trying to shift above 6800. It is a great tranny honestly, just only good for around 400 max at the wheel. I was at 430/401. Only people I heard with isues were not stock. I tried a few fixes (remove block, brace, race shifter...) but nothing fixed it. Everyone I know that replaced the clutch was fine. That was my next step, but decided to get my dream car vs the TT route.
No radio issues at all. Clutch. I would get clutch creep when trying to shift above 6800. It is a great tranny honestly, just only good for around 400 max at the wheel. I was at 430/401. Only people I heard with isues were not stock. I tried a few fixes (remove block, brace, race shifter...) but nothing fixed it. Everyone I know that replaced the clutch was fine. That was my next step, but decided to get my dream car vs the TT route.
I think ya made the right choice... have fun with the car.. put it in the street.. soooooo many of these cars sit in collections unused... I know a guy that has 2 ford gts... TWO of em... and he never drives the things... its a shame.
Thanks guys.

No rear brake planned. If I ever need one for a specific track I'll just put the stock wheel back on. Around here most tracks don't care about the back brake.
In Florida and the big east coast tracks brakes and chain guards are required on everything except grudge bikes. Seems crazy to exclude grudge bikes but I didn't write the rules. I'm sure the insurance carriers are thrilled with that, lol
Chain guards are pointless. 1/8" aluminum has no chance against a 530 chain. Stock plastic guards are even worse. Rear brakes don't have much effect. NHRA does require them but there are any number of NHRA rules I can point out being violated at tracks.
It will go 8.70's for sure this summer still stock motor but I weigh 165 in shorts.

You don't want to run 9.05 in Crazy 8's ![/QUOTE]
AND I don't want to run 8:70s in SHORTS!!! LOL