she is so overwhelming and larger than life..... I M so lucky to have here with me...
Thanks everyone for the warm wishes.
Please excuse me if i am not able to acknowledge each of YOU GUYS personally
My hands are REALLY TREMBLING as i write this
Believe me, THIS IS the GOD of ALL MOMENTS in my LIFE yet.....
And i am so thankful to the Almighty that i have been lucky enough to LIVE MY DREAM...
My Belief has always been :
" All men dream, but not equally. Those that dream at night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act upon their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. "
But something up there kept my motivational levels on TOP SPEED and spurred me to stride rapidly towards my dream. My family, specially my wife Manisha, Juniors Harshika n Aditya have been very supportive and equally passionate about the HOTTEST WHEELS. Its a different story that they were shocked way beyond words and visualisation, as they had expected i would be buying the BUSA around Diwali.
So now starts a new journey : The Joy of the BUSA
Despoine is finally here... and already ruling all of us.
Sunday is my day off in office, but my entire office team is here and they have been really swept off their feet by the sheer beauty of Despoine.
Umpteen photo sessions are following one after the other : strangers walking into the bldg and clickin pics. I even have posted a full time BODYGUARD now for her.
Shall post the pics in a while.. need nice tea ( naah make that buttermilk ) break...
Dont GO AWAY... me Right Back
Things are gonna get more exciting and RIB tingling....

Pics are now here for the time being, while i upload it here directly :
Ramprasad Padhi's Photos - Home Coming of PEARL DESPOINE... | Facebook
Ramprasad Padhi's Photos - "PEARL DESPOINE" framed by Mehul Gohil | Facebook