New Member On Her Way

Mr Brown

Brothers and Sisters of the.oRg, my better half has just informed me that she is heading to the hospital and I should meet her there. Very soon we shall have another member of the family......:cheerleader:
This brave woman is determined to deliver our daughter into the world without any drugs, feeling that the pain she will suffer will result in a healthier baby. Keep Andrea and baby Chandler in your thoughts please.
I will keep you all updated.
Oh boy, natural child birth, a brave soul indeed. Good luck and keep us posted! :cheerleader:
Good luck.

My wife had same idea, until it started to reallly hurt. She waited kinda late to request the epidural, and I had to hold her down in the middle of a contraction while they stuck the needle in her spine. I've had one too for a back issue it's not as bad as it sounds. It makes a big difference in her stress and the baby's stress level. Be prepared for her to ask your opinion as her pain increases. Good luck!
Her third child, so she knows what she is getting into...
Waiting for the Dr to get here and decide if he is going to break her water.
Thanks for all the good thoughts.
Oh, wow! Lots going on for you two right now J...nothing but good thoughts for you both today!! :thumbsup:
Good deal man. Congrats. Best wishes to the all of you.. My wife did the natural thing and doesn't regret it.
Brothers and Sisters of the.oRg, my better half has just informed me that she is heading to the hospital and I should meet her there. Very soon we shall have another member of the family......:cheerleader:
This brave woman is determined to deliver our daughter into the world without any drugs, feeling that the pain she will suffer will result in a healthier baby. Keep Andrea and baby Chandler in your thoughts please.
I will keep you all updated.

....uh and you were posting to the Org first? You're a brave man Jeremy. :laugh: I hope you were posting this on a hand held ON THE WAY TO THE HOSPITAL. :whistle:

That's great news! I hope everything goes well.

And I can't resist....

:worthless: (as soon as possible)

Update, after sitting at the hospital all day, the Doctor sent her home, not dilated enough...
Contractions still only 4 minutes apart, but evidently she is not ready yet.
Soon though.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.