New Member On Her Way

Don't mind the false alarm... :whistle: j/k

Your new addition will come any day now... :laugh:

Make sure you post up pics... :thumbsup:

Take care,

Josh :beerchug:
There is no shame in asking for epidural anesthesia! There is no law that demands childhood be painful. The main downside is that it might make it a little more difficult to "push". As a physician, the Ob-Gyn let me do the delivery. Hmm, maybe that's why my son had a slight skull fracture noticed after delivery. :whistle:
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Good luck and congrats...

and if past history is any indication from those whom i know....

its the only time she'll make the mistake of no pain meds lol...

and dont forget....

She went to the doctor yesterday, if the baby isn't here beforehand, he will induce her 7:30 AM Sunday. According to the ultrasound, the baby weighs 8lbs 11 oz already....
She wants to avoid taking drugs as they have an effect on the baby also, this is her third child and she has a PhD in neuro-psychology so I'm not gonna argue with her! I will keep you all up to speed, and again thank you for the good wishes.
At the hospital now, water has broken, baby is on her way. Mom is sweating and cussin, but all is well so far.....Amazing woman!
Chandler AnnMarie Allen was welcomed into the world at 1:29 PM Central by her sister Chelsea, brothers Chayton and Christopher and her mother and I. No drugs, just alot of pain, sweat and bad words. 9lbs 5oz, 20.5 inches long. Pics will be up tonight so Ogre believes me.....:rulez:
That's awesome Jeremy! Congratulation's! Wow, 9-5 and no drugs? That is one tough broad you got there! :thumbsup:

Looking forward to the pics!
WOW!!! Amazing woman you have there. Congrats to you and your family and we look forward to seeing pics soon.