New member....Should I make the switch?

Welcome Tdog. I was in a very similar situation. I had been riding a Softail Deuce for three years before coming back to sportbikes. I got the bug for a Busa when the 08's came out but they didn't offer a color I liked until 09, then I had to have one. I have to say, my Harley was chromed out, very pretty and I got a lot of compliments on it:welcome:....but I don't miss it one bit. BTW, im 6'7" and the ride on the Hayabusa is still reasonably comfortable.
My son will be 40 this year, and we both ride busas! Keep the HD if you can, and get an older busa with a few miles. Plenty out there for $5-7K. I have a busa and a cruiser, although I would rather ride the busa than any bike.:thumbsup:
Get the Busa. Just put Helibars and Corbin seat and you'll be comfortable on long rides. I'm turning 44 yrs. old this year and I can ride this thing 10-15 hours a day with no problem.
Welcome to the oRg :welcome:

I went from an 883 Sportster to the Busa...weight is pretty much the same, the throttle is a bit different :laugh: but I found the transition quite easy...I never regretted moving to the Busa :beerchug:
Don't forget, the backrest only works with the seat. You have to buy both to get it to work.

I'd like to know if it's worth the money if anyone gets/has one. We could strap the backpack to the back and wife wouldn't feel like such a pack horse.

I'm 46 and love the busa, took a little to get used to though, by the way :welcome: to the ORG!