New member: So, how black is the '08?

:welcome: to the .org I still say the 08 blue/gold is the best color and the fastest. I like the white busa's too, to bad they don't sell the white in the U.S.A

Oh yes they do - 09 colors in the USA are white, black and metalic gold. I'd love to have a white busa to go with my blueblack (looks pretty darn black most of the time)14. Like I said ealier though, I wouldn't pay $1500 more for any color. Think I could have it repainted in a few years for that dough.

Originally Posted by Billy Busa
to the .org I still say the 08 blue/gold is the best color and the fastest. I like the white busa's too, to bad they don't sell the white in the U.S.A

Oh yes they do - 09 colors in the USA are white, black and metalic gold. I'd love to have a white busa to go with my blueblack (looks pretty darn black most of the time)14. Like I said ealier though, I wouldn't pay $1500 more for any color. Think I could have it repainted in a few years for that dough.

I often hear people tell me that both the 14 and the busa are equal in terms of performance and that owning both would be almost like owning two of the same bike. I still can't get myself to believe that. If you're going to do top speed, the 1 1/2 second advantage the busa has would seem to me to be pretty sinificant. I think, "Okay, mods. Mod the 14 to do what a busa can do and the problem is solved." New problem: I could do the same mods to a busa and now it's once again faster than the 14.

If I go all the way to turbo, do you think there would be any relavence to whether it was on a 14 or a busa? Or would they both just be so freaking fast that 10 hp would mean zip at that point?


Welcome to the org but you have lots more reading to do my friend... :laugh:

The A/F doesn't self adjust on the Gen-II BUSA. You still need a PC or tuner to get maximum potential out of the bike. If you are a Sunday rider or don't race, you can get away without it but it's still a must if you are racing.

There are many reasons the BUSA is faster on top end then the 14 but mainly it's aero. The BUSA has a better CdA then the 14 so it takes less power to go faster. IMO the BUSA is still a far better platform to build on because you have more aftermarket support. Just about EVERYONE makes parts for a BUSA. As far as a TURBO, that's another ball of wax but again the BUSA comes out ahead IMO. Research the frame design on a 12/14 and you will see why. The frame is the airbox on the Kawi so you have lots of work to do if you plan to TURBO one.

You could go on for days talking about these two bikes but in the end, you will be glad you got a BUSA. But before even going that far what kind of experience do you have....? I wouldn't recommend either if you are a new rider. Also, have you called on insurance...? Most people change there mind real quick when they get an insurance quote.... :banghead:

Good luck... :beerchug:

Welcome to the org but you have lots more reading to do my friend... :laugh:

The A/F doesn't self adjust on the Gen-II BUSA. You still need a PC or tuner to get maximum potential out of the bike. If you are a Sunday rider or don't race, you can get away without it but it's still a must if you are racing.
Huh!? I thought I read here that a/f self regulates even for a full system and a PC was not recomended. Perhaps some misinformation or misreading on my part. Oh well, a PC is always recomended as best for the 14 too.

The BUSA has a better CdA then the 14 so it takes less power to go faster. .
Please tell me a little about what a CdA is. I'm not familiar with that term.

You could go on for days talking about these two bikes but in the end, you will be glad you got a BUSA. But before even going that far what kind of experience do you have....? I wouldn't recommend either if you are a new rider. Also, have you called on insurance...? Most people change there mind real quick when they get an insurance quote.... :banghead:

Good luck... :beerchug:

I don't try to pretend to be a pro. I guess most of my 3 years of riding has been done on large cruisers and I didn't try anything real fancy with those. The 14 was my first sportbike and after a couple weeks of getting used to the head down riding postion and the seat height, it was by far the easiest bike to ride. Had some hair raising experiences on the 1100 Honda Shadow just doing very normal riding. I had one driftslide on cold roads/tires with the 14 but that was doing some hard leaning/fast cornering. Live and learn and thank God you kept it upright, I guess. The highest speed I've attained on the 14 (or anything with wheels, for that matter) was 140 indicated. I plan to be on the right road at the right time of day to take it all the way round the clock this summer

Yeah, insurance is a beotch for those young guys. That's the main reason I waited so long to get the 14. I'm 42 and insurance for my 14(Statefarm) was ~$200 for just about the highest level of coverage. I know the busa is considered higher risk, but I actually think I could go with a bit less coverage than I have now on my 14.

People keep posting that the A/F self adjusts and it does NOT. No system on the market will self adjust to 100% at all throttle ranges yet, NONE!

CdA = Drag Coefficient or how aerodynamic the object is.

Depending on your location and insurance company, I don't think your rates will change much with a BUSA. We are all here to learn and spread the word about these wonderful machines. Nothing was intended bad, heck I can never learn enough on any of these sites. I think that's what keeps us interested is the time and technology invested to help improve the machine/ride/experience/etc. for everyone... :beerchug:
My friend who have the zx 14 is disappointed for the performance of the bike with a 4-2-1 muzzy exhaust.Got pulled away from a gen 1 with a yoshi stage 1 cams,high come gasket and a 4-2-1 yoshi exhaust thats all.:laugh:
I test drove the 14' and the Busa on the same day. I was like you were - on the fence, but the test ride made all the difference. I like the way you seem to be "in" the Busa, rather than "on" the 14'. The Tobin seat just adds to that feeling. I went with the Buell pegs to make up the difference in leg room with the Tobin. I just think the Busa handles better, but that is just me. BTW, I came from an 06 Busa to the 08. BTW - :welcome:
My friend who have the zx 14 is disappointed for the performance of the bike with a 4-2-1 muzzy exhaust.Got pulled away from a gen 1 with a yoshi stage 1 cams,high come gasket and a 4-2-1 yoshi exhaust thats all.:laugh:

Not sure about yoshi stage 1 cams, but the cam / piston mod commonly done on the Busa will yield around 200 RWHP. You also have other factors to consider like weight of rider, etc.
Both bikes stock are fast, the busa being a little stronger in the lower end and top. The zx14 is better on the brakes. The busa is the better handler. The zx14 the better drag racer due to it being easier to launch. The busa has the better aero package. The zx14 the more info on the dash. The busa has more storage. The busa gets better mileage then the zx14.
My friend who have the zx 14 is disappointed for the performance of the bike with a 4-2-1 muzzy exhaust.Got pulled away from a gen 1 with a yoshi stage 1 cams,high come gasket and a 4-2-1 yoshi exhaust thats all.:laugh:

I bet your friend would even it up a lot against a G1 by installing a skinny gasket himself. I've heard you can get some wicked compression just doing that without resorting to milling the head.

........of course, a G2 busa can run with a skinny headgasket, too and then your buddy is back to square one. There's no end to upgrading in order to even the playing field between the two. It would be a constant battle of one-upsmanship until both bikes were running turbos. I doubt there would be a percievable diff in power at that point but the busa, I'm sure would handle better at that kind of speed and probabley still get there quicker.

I think the wide "face" on the 14 is really cool from the front view but all you need to do is look at the busa from any agle to see it is more aerodynamic.

Has anyone heard of switching a G1 tail onto a G2? I heard the frames are the same but I don't know about the fastener locations for the tail.

Depending on what you are looking at doing, stock for stock there is not that much difference. When it comes time for performance upgrades down the road if you choose inreasing displacement with big bore kit or turbo kit I believe Hayabusa is alot better platform in my opinion. For one Busa engine is a 2 piece design where you have the jugs and bottom end. The 14 has a 1 piece engine so be more money to mod. Also as stated above the airbox on the 14 is apart of the frame and is not removable. So there is no removing the airbox and putting on a turbo plenum like on a Busa.
........ Also as stated above the airbox on the 14 is apart of the frame and is not removable. So there is no removing the airbox and putting on a turbo plenum like on a Busa.

I have much to learn about turbo before I do it to either bike. I don't even know what a plenum is :newbie: but I believe I've read that other 14 owners with turbo have put the plenum IN the airbox.

Thank you to everyone for all the information. This is helping me a great deal. Any idea which way my decision is going? :laugh: :inlove2: I know of a dealer down in Illinois that allows test rides.

welcome to the dark side! you and I had the same color zx14,my best buddy owns a dark gray and indeed is a nice color but not as beautiful as the blue one.Welcome and ride safe
I was undecided between the ZX 14 ( saphire blue )and my ( orange/black )Busa but after a lot of research I went with the Busa. The 08 black is like a charcoal color to me... I am starting to really like my wifes white one..:whistle:

welcome to the org. Just get a Blue and Black and don't worry about it. They look great in the sun as the go flashing by.
Tooo late. I picked up the B/O 08 last uhhhhhhhh- September, I think. That has been my fav color all along and I paid some extra bread to get it. Coulda got a grey or a blue for 1000 less but I just love the B/O.

Thanks for rejuvinating the thread Juice. Juice is my old ZX-14 compadre. :beerchug: