New member

Welcome to the oRg...I moved your thread to the New Owner area :)

Nice ZX-14 :beerchug:
:welcome: Its ok you have a Kawi.
We will give you 6 months to trade it for a real bike....:laugh:

Just kidding.
I rode Kawisakis all my life short of one Yamaha RZ350 and the Busa I now have.
Nothing wrong with them at all. Enjoy..
welcome! There are a few ZX-14 owners around here.

Just let us know when you want to step up and ride with the big boys :rofl:

i keed... i keed...
:welcome:, John's Good People... Maybe Ride a Busa we'll get you to switch Yet LOL..
Yeah, John got me every time that night! I couldn't get my launch down, I was WAY off my times from last year, but, it doesn't matter, I like the twisties better than the 1/4. Was fun hanging out with all our friends with all the personal grudge matches.

Thanks for the welcome! j/k about the bashing, but, I'm more than capable of taking it! Heck, I even like Freemo and his non riding ass! lol:moon:
Yeah, John got me every time that night! I couldn't get my launch down, I was WAY off my times from last year, but, it doesn't matter, I like the twisties better than the 1/4. Was fun hanging out with all our friends with all the personal grudge matches.

Thanks for the welcome! j/k about the bashing, but, I'm more than capable of taking it! Heck, I even like Freemo and his non riding ass! lol:moon:
No way in HELL he is going to admit that the Busa is just faster :rofl:
Very nice pics, :welcome: to the org. See you at Hallett the 6th.