New member

Welcome to the board! We are all looking forward to the pictures.
Thanks for kind invitation. (And to KennyMac - Miło przeczytać coś po polsku)

And I want to please for advice about Busa brakes. As I heard they aren't so good and here in Poland everybody told me that I should replace standard brake lines (rubber hose) with stainless braided one. Is that right in yours opinion?
Today in Warsaw is -2 Celsius degree (28 Fahrenheit).
I replace my brake pads and brake lines. I replaced the brake lines with Gafler stainless steel brake lines. I replaced the brake pads with the EBC HH brake pades. My brakes work pretty good!

Welcome to the board!

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Still cold in Warsaw so my Busa still at dealers shop. And its look like the winter doesn't want goes away from here.
That a shame Jaz. I'm glad that a little bit of your own lingo made you feel glad to be here. It took me a bit to figure out what you wrote, not much Polish down under. lol. potrzebujemy wobec zobaczyć kino od twój rower , mój człowiek. podczas ten pogoda ulepsza , od bieg. in short, need pics. Sorry for my half arsed polish.
That a shame Jaz. I'm glad that a little bit of your own lingo made you feel glad to be here. It took me a bit to figure out what you wrote, not much Polish down under. lol. potrzebujemy wobec zobaczyć kino od twój rower , mój człowiek. podczas ten pogoda ulepsza , od bieg. in short, need pics. Sorry for my half arsed polish.
Sorry KennyMac I was really sure that you are polish guy living in Australia so I made a reply in polish language.

P.S. And BTW your polish is really bad
but I appreciate your good intention. It's getting a little bit warmer so now I ride on my VTR thinking it's not a bad idea to make some ride on known bike before Busa.
Welcome to the Board the last place you will ever need for Busa advice..