Damn Thinker ... you keep topping your past mods and all of your upgrades are tasteful with just the right amount of bling! Mad props to you and your bike. Man you must have a house full of 1st place trophies from the bike shows !!
Bro your bike just keeps on gettin' nicer everytime I see it. I just keep lookin' at your pictures and see something else I never noticed before.....SWEET!.....Is there a day that goes by where you aren't doin' at least something to your bike?

Keep up the nice work bro, I'm envious as hell.

All that chrome and shinny stuff you still have the old black brake calipers and crusty rubber lines.
Just kidding the bike looks great.
Keeps gettin better and better Think, I saved all of the photos for your next banner. Send any additional you make like to have in the pic.

Man, Thinker! That is one sweet looking bike. What are you playing music with and how do the speakers sound?
Like Jim said...I use an Ipod with 2 speakers in the front and a Sub in the Hump. Itt sounds really, really good. Actually, Jim heard the shitty system (compared to the upgraded one).

Since I see you are from Chicago, I will give props to the guy who I got the idea from. Elton (Chicago) has been putting similar stereos on sport bikes for 15 years. He has done it on an FJ 1100, Katana 1100, R1 and now his Hayabusa. The only clever part I added is the sub. But it makes a hell of a difference.

I have to keep going back and lookin' at that thing! Man, it is all around nice! Can we get a full bike pic to see how the Tobin looks?
I featured shots of the Tobin, chrome grab bar, and Axel dress up kit in another thread a few weeks ago.  I will look for it.

Here is the one with the Tobin. I will take more pics soon.

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