Hello to all. I have been browsing the site since the beginning of the month. I just bought my blue 07 Busa this month from one of our used bike dealers here in Milwaukee and I am very happy with it. Unfortunately it is the end of the riding season here so maintenance items like a new chain and sprockets wont be done until spring along with some new pads in the front and bleeding of the clutch. It came with steel brake lines in the front and a Yoshimura exhaust and appears to be pretty much stock which is what I wanted. It's very fast and demands respect of that. I love this site and everyone seems pretty cool and helpful. I am also a member of a Goldwing forum and I am very happy with that group and this group seems like the same. I am 45 and there seem to be other riders of my age group here which made me feel better.
Previous bikes : Suzuki Bandit, 97 Goldwing which I still have and I do all of my own maintenance on except tires. Bought a '01 GSXR 750 but it was not what I wanted which was the Busa. Traded it in after a month and got this one and haven't regretted it one bit. Busa has 15000 on the clock and I paid 7k for it. Thanks to everyone for having a great forum for the do it yourself crowd. Karlton