New Owner

I took pictures of her but I can't figure out how to post it. Sorry, I'm not a computer guy. Can someone please e-mail me their address so I can attach it when I reply? Thanks.
Your email address is set as private. Cant send you one.
how do I give you access to it? how about sending me a private message? guys, I have to go pick up my daughter. be back later.
Open an account on PHOTOBUCKET
It is free to do this. Upload your pictures there. It will resize them automatically to a size usable here. Then copy the IMAGE tag and paste it into you post here and you have pics posted.
Glad to have you on the org. I think the guys want pics!
41 years old
Your much too young to ride a busa! Do your parents know you have this bike?
No, GSXcite. I don't have parents anymore and I happen to be the only son. My mom passed away in 1997 and my dad in 2005.
Guys, I'm having problem already........I can't sleep. Somebody, help me please. She's killing me! I'm about to go riding in about 5 minutes. It's 4:24 in the morning and it's Saturday. I took her out last night already and now, she wants to go out again. What have I done? Just kidding guys. She's so addictive. Well, adios amigos. She's calling me.