new paint job

Just when I thought a Busa couldn't be more georgeous! More than just nice. I might even have a woody!
How much for that fresh coat of make-up on your babe?
I would plop down the $1800, but problem is: It'll be too beautiful to really ride. Guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
very nice, been toying with painting mine sometime over the winter .... hmmm.... do like that white but would probably use a different accent color with it for mine, but dayum yours looks sweet!
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it nyrican! I saw a Busa in Myrtle Beach that was painted the solid Escalade pearl and I fell in love with it. I had three color choices for my bike (currently being painted) and the Escalade pearl was one of them. I was going to match it up with a Jade escabus and now I can get a good idea of what it's gonna look like. Man, your bike is hotttttt!!


Killer ride very good tatse in color choices. Who and where did the decals come from?
Thanx BA ....DR1300, the decals were made by an indepent shop in Columbia SC , all except for the Kanji's , they are OEM Suzuki decals and I ordered them from
Damn it!  Damn it!  Damn it nyrican!  I saw a Busa in Myrtle Beach that was painted the solid Escalade pearl and I fell in love with it.  I had three color choices for my bike (currently being painted) and the Escalade pearl was one of them.  I was going to match it up with a Jade escabus and now I can get a good idea of what it's gonna look like.  Man, your bike is hotttttt!!  

This summer, we had a guy here from Vegas. He had a Busa painted Escalade White and Silver. It also had a bunch of chrome shid. It was HOT! His vanity plate was ICYCLE, or some version of Ice cycle. He pulled the bike here with his Escalade Hummer that was tricked out with a bunch of chrome. The vanity plate on it was ICEBOX.

If I find the picture, I will post it.

The guy I saw in Myrtle had his bike solid pearl with his mother and grandmother's picture airbrushed on each side of the gas tank. On the top of the gas tank there was an angel airbrushed, and on the tail section, he had their names with the obituaries under them. The rear light had the words "Rest In Peace" airbrushed over it. You would have to see it to appreciate it.
I have a picture of it on my digital camera, but for months now I haven't been able to download anything. Really pisses me off too. I'm just going to go out and buy a whole new computer because I needed to upgrade anyway.

Just beautiful. Very tasteful. Congrats. All you need to do now is some nice chrome grills and a matched Tobin and you'll have one of the nicest anywhere. Why is there a black patch in your Kangi? What do you do in the Army? If you don't mind me asking.
That is the prettiest color combo this old color blind kid has ever seen. Good choice man. Beautiful